Resistance Review: Station Theta Black

Can we have a minute for Oscar Isaac?

Ok fine – every minute is for Oscar Isaac, this is true. But he is very sneakily putting on a performance as Poe Dameron in Star Wars Resistance – it’s not always easy to go from portraying a character on-screen to providing their voice, but Isaac is making it look easy.

In “Station Theta Black,” Kaz and Poe scout out an abandoned First Order mining outpost, and encounter more than they bargained for. Phasma encounters Poe for the first (?) time, and Major Vonreg once again fails to finish off Poe or Kaz (but I do love getting to see his shiny TIE Interceptor again). A fitting midseason finale, this felt like the episode we’ve been building toward for the past few weeks.

As I mentioned, Poe fit in seamlessly as the cocky, “I never engage… unless provoked” commander we know and love, but it’s fascinating to see how much Kaz has grown this season too… and how much he still has to learn. We see the improvement in his flying skills in outrunning an explosion, but still see his discomfort with actual spy and military work (which, I know he was a pilot, but shouldn’t the New Republic navy have given him a bit more training for on-the-ground combat? Thanks, Mon Mothma). Despite his growth over the past 10 episodes, Kaz is still the reckless, comedic, earnest flyboy that we first met in episode 1, but that’s not a bad thing. There’s enough else going on in Resistance that Kaz’s growth doesn’t need to carry the show, and he does learn from his experiences as time goes on (unlike a certain other Star Wars protagonist whose name rhymes with Pezra Fridger).

This was, from the outset, clearly going to be a plot-focused episode, which means we didn’t get any more development of the Aces, the Doza family, or the still-criminally-underused Tam. We did, though, learn a bit more about the galaxy pre-The Force Awakens, particularly the fact that no one has any idea what the First Order is doing, even the Resistance. Poe and Leia (now apparently voiced by Carolyn Hennesy, who has never, to our knowledge, publicly mocked an assault victim) seem shocked to learn the scale of the First Order’s operation and just how many blasters they’re producing, and they know that this information won’t move the Senate to action. It all adds up to a much richer picture, and the knowledge that people underestimated the First Order right up until Hosnian Prime went the way of Alderaan. It may not seem that significant now, but looking at The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, it helps us understand how the New Republic was so unprepared, and why no one was willing to come to the Resistance’s aid on Crait: the First Order planned everything perfectly, and executed their blitzkrieg before anyone even realized it was happening. That background is the sort of value-add that I am thrilled to see in Resistance: creating a story that stands on its own, while simultaneously making us look at older tales in a new light.

As I mentioned above, there’s plenty more that I want out of Resistance. More aces! Intrigue on the Colossus! TAM AND SYNARA DATING! But we’ve got time for that. The first half of season one has introduced us to a world of characters that I already love – but there’s a storm coming, and we’re about to see how they deal with the new reality they’re about to fall into.

Resistance Review: Secrets and Holograms

Okay, it’s official: I have a Doza bias.

Torra is very tired of being confined to her room by her well meaning father. Kaz has been tasked by Poe to find out more about this potential deal between Captain Doza and the First Order. That same First Order is currently visiting the base to discuss further details of the agreement. This is going to go exactly as you think. Continue reading

Resistance Review: Signal from Sector Six

“I hate monkeys. I hate them so much.” – A real thing that Star Wars Resistance writers made Oscar Isaac say.

This week’s episode, “Signal from Sector Six,” took us off the Colossus and into a hoard of screaming simians as Kaz and Poe (returning for the first time since the show’s pilot episode) investigate a distress signal from a derelict freighter and get more than they bargained for. In addition to giving Kaz a taste of real action – a taste that he didn’t seem to particularly like – they also met Synara, a survivor of the wreckage who isn’t who she claims to be. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The Children from Tehar

The First Order is definitely here to stay in Star Wars Resistance as they rear their shiny helmeted heads on the Colossus for a second episode in a row. Kaz has once again managed to break something in his role as a supposed mechanic and promises to pay to replace the very expensive part. In desperate need of a lot of credits fast, he’s immediately intrigued by the promise of 20,000 credits for finding two runaway children. The kids, however, don’t want to be found and for good reason: it’s the First Order looking for them. Now it’s up to Kaz and Neeku to figure out a way to help them even though it also means sacrificing any chance of getting the credits to buy a new part. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The High Tower

Star Wars Resistance considerably raises the stakes for Kaz–and the citizens of the Colossus–in its latest episode, “The High Tower.”

Although Kaz still has a lot to learn about spying, and his technique could certainly use a little work, he finally uncovers the First Order’s nefarious plans for the station when he’s invited into Captain Doza’s tower.
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Resistance Review: Fuel for the Fire

When last we met our intrepid hero, Kaz, he was demonstrating his eagerness to be a spy and his resistance (see what I did there?) to learning the trade of his cover identity.

The latest episode, Fuel for the Fire, finds Kaz still straining against the expectation that he work competently as a mechanic. He’s still obsessed with racing and intent on spying, but this week, we also see that he’s hungry for friendship. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The Triple Dark

Resistance‘s second episode focuses on Kaz’s covert mission on the Colossus–being a mechanic. He’s not good at it. Actually, he’s pretty terrible at it. (He’s also terrible at keeping his cover by talking about his mission in public.) Which is bad because a ship has come in with a need for a rush job. Tam is unhappy with his abilities as a mechanic, Yeager is disappointed with Kaz’s lack of dedication to his job, the inhabitants of the platform are annoyed by his antics, and Neeku is…well, Neeku. Continue reading

Resistance Review: The Recruit

It wasn’t all that long ago that we were bidding farewell to Star Wars Rebels and yet here we are now saying hi to Star Wars Resistance. With a new team at the helm and the implied promise of a fresher start, there’s a lot to like about Lucasfilm’s latest animated television show. Expectations (including our own) are high because, after all, it’s Star Wars but we’re certainly ready to embrace this latest batch of galactic heroes.a

But on to why you’re here: what did we think about the first episode? Continue reading