Storyboards reveal an older Prequel Trilogy era Anakin

Over at io9 is a look inside Star Wars Storyboards: The Prequel Trilogy by J.W. Rinzler. For the most part, what’s presented in the storyboards are the films we ultimately saw. But there were a few interesting differences. Take, for example, young Anakin:

Other altered characters include young Anakin. Instead of a little kid who runs around bleating “yippeeeee” the storyboard version was a bit more charismatic. Here he is sneaking a kiss from Padme. Iain McCaig explained that he modeled young Anakin after James Robinson, the little William Wallace in Braveheart. Alas, they couldn’t cast him as he was too tall by production, and who knows if George Lucas would even want him. Either way, it’s kind of nice to get a glimpse of an older Anakin.

There’s a whole bunch of interested images over at the link above, so be sure to check it out. If the storyboards strike you, also consider picking up a copy of the book.

(Via Jedi News)