On Kenobi’s Cast of Characters and Evaluating My Assumptions

The Kenobi concept art by Chris Scalf.

The Kenobi concept art by Chris Scalf.

If you’re regular listeners of the podcast, you already know that the Tosche Station staff greatly enjoyed Kenobi, the latest Star Wars novel by John Jackson Miller. This post isn’t a proper review, but I’ll get this out of the way: I loved the book. It is by far my favorite novel of the year, and exceeded my expectations with flying colors. Despite my enjoyment, however, one of its plot points bothered me–not because of what happened, but because of my assumptions prior to it. And I immediately knew I had to write a blog post about it.


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Tosche Station on Location: Conspiring for Fun and Profit


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Now that we’re back home, we can get a stable internet connection to deliver a few more recordings of panel audio from Dragon Con. This one was a real treat. Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, and Aaron Allston got together to discuss what it was like collaborating on the Expanded Universe. As a bonus, listen as a book idea is born (and as Mike said, look out for the Kickstarter).

Tosche Station on Location: Star Wars Expanded Universe Authors Panel


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Another treat from last night at the Star Wars track at Dragon Con: the Star Wars Authors panel. The event featured audience questions and was moderated by Bryan Young. The lineup:

  • Mike Stackpole
  • Aaron Allston
  • Kevin J. Anderson
  • Timothy Zahn

Some interesting tidbits in there about the process behind creating Star Wars novels and there’s even some debunking of rumors.

Today Nanci and I will be on the Podcasting/Blogging/Fanfiction/Vidding panel at the Star Wars track. Audio from that panel will be available tomorrow morning.

Tosche Station on Location: Intro to the Expanded Universe


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Did you know we’re at Dragon Con? And on panels? Well, we are!

Something we’re going to try and provide you this convention are recordings of the panels we’re on. First up on the list, the Intro to the Expanded Universe event. Joining Nanci and myself on the panel are Aaron Goins, Brian Nowicke, Tom Hutchens, James Clark, and Daniel Eisenhower.

Tomorrow we’ll be on the Podcasting, Vidding, Blogging and Fanfiction in Star Wars panel. Stay tuned to Twitter tonight as we’ll be at the Meet the Star Wars Authors event.

Brian’s Review: Kenobi by John Jackson Miller

Let’s just get this out of the way: Kenobi is one of the best entry points to the Expanded Universe available to readers.

That’s really saying something, because in the last year there have been some great additions to EU bookshelves in that regard. I can’t emphasize this enough; anyone can pick up this book regardless of how much Expanded Universe content they have. Whether you’re a new reader or a reader of twenty years, you can enjoy this book and not feel in any way lost. So with that in mind, go buy this book right now.

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Tosche Station Radio #67: Space Western with John Jackson Miller


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We’re celebrating Kenobi release day on this episode of Tosche Station Radio and to mark the occasion, we’re talking to John Jackson Miller!

The show notes are brief this time around, because we’re skipping Fixer’s Flash and Deak’s Dirt so we can jump straight into this week’s Camie’s Concerns. Kenobi author John Jackson Miller joins the hosts and staff writer Bria for an in-depth, spoiler filled discussion of the book. If you’ve already read it, enjoy the interview! If not, go buy the book right now. We promise, you won’t be disappointed. But again, SPOILERS.

You can find John Jackson Miller online at FarawayPress.com and on Twitter.

As a final note, the hosts are heading to Dragon Con this week! If you’re going to be there, you’ll have a chance to win some great Expanded Universe reading material. Among the books we’re giving away is a copy of Kenobi and the Essential Reader’s Companion. Come to the Intro to the Expanded Universe panel in the Star Wars track room for your chance to win those. We’ve also got a copy of Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void we’ll be giving away at the Women and Minorities in Star Wars panel.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of Tosche-Station.net and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of Tosche-Station.net. You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and Audible.com.

Tosche Station Radio #64: Comic Con!


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On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, Amy Ratcliffe joins the hosts for a San Diego Comic Con recap!

Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight what’s New on the Blog. Nanci wrote Dear Star Wars Books: Thank You For the Women. She also wrote about the Monolithic Jedi as presented in the post-NJO EU. Bria wrote a review of Legacy #5. Meanwhile, Brian and Nanci will be on panels at Dragon Con! Yay?

It’s a dull week in Fixer’s Flash. Nanci’s been busy writing, but Brian’s been busy packing. No show next week as Brian ships the studio across the country!

Deak’s Dirt starts with news out of Comic Con! Mark Hamill talks Star Wars and it sounds like his hopes are high. There was a bit of Star Wars Expanded Universe news. Nothing earth-shattering, biggest reveal was Honor Among Thieves cover. Legend of Korra trailer. Book 2 coming in September, Brian and Bria are still recovering. Agents of Shield news. Colbie Smulders will be in the show! Zack Snyder will officially be directing a Batman/Superman film with an anticipated release date of Summer 2015. The Hollywood Reporter also says that Warner Bros. is aiming for a Flash film in 2016 and a Justice League film for 2017 but that wasn’t announced at the panel (or at least as far as we are aware). Lionsgate treated audiences to a new Catching Fire Theatrical Trailer.  (The staff is still recovering from that one.)  The film will be out this November. We also got to see some of the first footage for the Veronica Mars film. The anticipated Marvel Studios panel didn’t disappoint especially if you were in Hall H.  Of course we have to have an Episode VII rumor. Is JJ leaving? Surprise, Lucasfilm says no.

This week on Camie’s Concerns, Amy Ratcliffe stops by to discuss San Diego Comic Con and general geekery! You can find Amy on Twitter and on her blog.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of Tosche-Station.net and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of Tosche-Station.net. You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and Audible.com.

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Catch Nanci and Brian on Dragon Con panels at the Star Wars track

dragon conAre you going to be at Dragon Con this year? If you are, you can catch Brian and Nanci on a trio of panels on the Star Wars fan track.

  • Friday 1PM: Intro to the Expanded Universe. We’ll be discussing how and where to get into Star Wars literature and offer our recommendations on books/comics/games. Daniel Eisenhauer and Tom Hutchens will be on this panel with us.
  • Saturday 7PM: Blogs, Podcasting, Vidding, and FanFic. We’re joining Riley and Bethany Blanton of the Star Wars Report and Bryan Young of Big Shiny Robot (and Force knows how many other media outlets) for a grab bag discussion of blogging, podcasting, vidding, and fan fiction.
  • Sunday 11:30AM: Where are the Women and Minorities in Star Wars? In a surprise to absolutely no one, Nanci and I will be discussing the role of women and minorities in Star Wars and offer our thoughts onto how the Galaxy Far, Far Away can be a more diverse and inclusive franchise.

The dates and times above are subject to change, but these are definitely the panels that you can find us on. It’ll be like the podcast! Except in front of a live audience. What could go wrong?

The Monolithic Jedi

Awhile back, I wrote a post on EUCantina about the prequelization of the post-Return of the Jedi era of the Expanded Universe. The article’s basic point was that in the early days of the EU, the authors had no official knowledge about the Jedi Order in the Old Republic. None of us did–all we had was our imaginations. We didn’t know that Jedi lived in a Temple on Coruscant, were taken from their families as babies, and trained from the time they were children. As such, Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Academy was full of adults from many different worlds, of different ages, and varying careers. Some of them even came from families of Jedi. Tionne was a historian, Corran was a pilot and a cop, Mara was a smuggler, Kirana Ti was a warrior, Streen was a hermit, etc. etc. No matter what your opinion of the Jedi Academy Trilogy, I have to give credit to Kevin J. Anderson for creating a diverse group of Jedi, personality and background wise (although in retrospect there could have been more non-humans and people of color). Even in other eras, like the Tales of the Jedi comics, being a Jedi seemed to be more “what you did” and less “who you were.”

Then the prequels came out, and everything changed.

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Dear Star Wars Books: Thank You For the Women

About a year and a half ago, I wrote a blog post for EUCantina in which I analyzed the roles of women in the Expanded Universe, specifically in the post-Return of the Jedi era. The article was inspired by the cancellation of “Mandorla”, the Alex Irvine novel about Nomi Sunrider, from the Tales of the Jedi comics. I’d been wanting a book about Nomi for awhile, and was really disappointed to see it cancelled. And the disappointment stung on more than just a level of “I was really looking forward to that book.”

And then my brain began to turn. As far as I can recall, “Mandorla” was the only novel in recent memory to be focused on a female protagonist. We’ve had “Han” novels, “Bane” novels, “Revan” novels; where are the “Jaina” and “Padme” and “Leia” novels? Why cancel a novel that had a chance to expand on a strong female lead?

The article was generally well received, with a few exceptions, mostly from people claiming that the EU was already filled with lots of female characters. While that may have been true, the point of the article remained:

“But Star Wars has many female leads,” you might say. To which I reply: “but none are allowed to lead.”

The original article has since been lost to the internet ether, but I had my own draft copy elsewhere. With San Diego Comic Con happening and in anticipation of the Star Wars Books panel, I recently skimmed the article with the intention of reposting it here on Tosche Station for posterity’s sake. But as I kept reading, I realized something: in less than 18 months, Del Rey and LucasBooks has addressed nearly all of my major complaints in the article. And I knew I’d be remiss if I didn’t revisit the article and say THANK YOU.

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