Rogue One Teaser Trailer Reaction!

You’ve watched it a billion times already. What did we think about the Rogue One teaser trailer?

Nanci: I did not expect the teaser trailer to make me as excited as I am about this movie. Everything about it looks great, especially the Rebellion base (which we’re all assuming is Yavin), Jyn Erso, MON MOTHMA, and the new Imperial villain with the awesome cape. The entire thing gave me serious Wraith Squadron vibes, from them using a misfit to complete a dangerous mission, to assembling a crack team, to possibly (likely) going undercover. I can’t wait to learn more about Jyn’s backstory and all the other characters, especially Diego Luna and Ben Mendelsohn. It’s also great to return to the Original Trilogy era on the big screen, although seeing regular stormtroopers is going to weird me out after getting used to the First Order troopers. Finally, I’m hoping and praying we get Jimmy Smits back as Bail Organa, because seeing him and Mon Mothma interacting on screen would be fabulous and I’d forgive them for not using Mon Mothma on Rebels (yet) (although Rogue One could be the reason why she hasn’t showed up there yet!).

Bria: GIVE ME BAIL OR GIVE ME DEATH.  No but actually: the first thought after I saw Mon Freaking Mothma and went “Ohhhh baby” was “Wait have they fooled us all and are we getting Bail too?”  Actually, could they STILL be fooling us all and we’re going to see Bail just chilling and being a boss in the film?  Wait hold on I’m missing the point.  The trailer seriously thrilled me.  They gave us just enough to get us excited without giving away the whole game and I LOVE THAT.  I love that almost as much as I love suave villains with capes.  I can’t wait to see all of these new kickass characters on the screen especially since it has a female lead and TWO Asian actors in main roles.  T W O.  I can’t wait to see where they go with this.  Is it December yet?

Matthew: I must confess, I’ve been more excited for Rogue One than I was for The Force Awakens. With The Force Awakens, we knew more or less (hopefully, at any rate) what we were in for, at least tonally and thematically. With Rogue One, however, we’ve been promised something that’s somehow new and different while still being firmly rooted in the Star Wars universe and mythos.

Happily, the trailer seems to confirm all that.

I didn’t care for Gareth Edwards’ take on Godzilla, but even I had to admit that that film was visually striking, and it seems he’s brought his sharp visual style to the Star Wars universe (I’m sure having Greig Fraser [Zero Dark Thirty, Snow White & the Huntsman] as your DP doesn’t hurt in that department either). We’ve been promised a “ground-level” view of the Star Wars universe, and — with the exception of the stunning effects shot of the dish being installed on the Death Star — that’s literally what we’re given here. The film looks appropriately grimy and rough and visceral, while at the same time clearly taking place in the same universe as the rest of the Star Wars canon (it makes me think of the Twilight Company novel, which managed the same trick). I’m already excited for what looks like a Normandy-style beach scene with AT-ATs, Grand Admiral Capey McCaperson is appropriately regal and menacing, Forest Whitaker is doin’ his Forest Whitaker thing, and holy crap New Mon Mothma is a dead ringer for Old Mon Mothma. All of which doesn’t even mention Felicity Jones, who, though sadly saddled with the most forgettable and Star Warsey name ever, completely commanded my attention in the brief glimpses we got of her. She both looks and sounds like she’s playing a fantastic, interesting, layered character who we’ll be more than happy to hang out with for a couple hours (and … beyond?). And the last shot? Stunning. Happy to report this trailer has me even more excited for this film than I was previously.

Shoshana: *rewatches the trailer for the I-don’t-even-know-how-manyth-time*

I did not expect to enjoy this trailer this much. At all. I was already excited about this movie but, dang. I am. So hype. I pretty much watched the trailer on loop this morning before work, went to work humming the music from it, played Star Wars music at work all day, and spent much of my time talking to friends and customers about the trailer. I really enjoyed it. I already love Felicity Jones’ character, even though most of what we see of her is pretty trope-y. And that last shot of her was chilling and a great reminder that we do not know what will ultimately happen with any of these characters. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to watch it again. Also: WHY IS DECEMBER SO FAR AWAY??

Emily: Mon Mothma!  OMG Mon Mothma!  I may be a bad person for saying this, but I might be more excited about Mon Mothma than I am about Jyn.  I have to admit, the first thing that caught my attention, though, was the music.  Classic Star Wars theme, but done in a new way, which made me wonder–is John Williams scoring this one too? (Do we know?)  Also, Grand Admiral?  And I am really digging the cinematography–this is a war movie, and it looks like one from the trailer.  Something else–I’ve got friends who were not terribly excited at the prospect of this movie and who are suddenly looking forward to it after this trailer, and that’s the sign of an excellently done teaser.

Brian: Well I’m definitely all-in now! Holy wow, that was like Wraith Squadron on screen. Pilots and commandos, the grunts who make the Rebellion work. Mon Mothma! What’s amazing is this film looks like someone brought high definition equipment back to a set in the 70s and started filming. Visually it’s a perfect fit with ANH. I don’t know quite how Edwards has done this. The film looks gritty, but it’s not grimdark and brightness stunted. It’s clear it’s a war movie, but it’s clear it uses Star Wars’ visual slate to the fullest. Then you’ve got Jyn. I can’t believe we’re getting a second straight Star Wars film with a female lead. And then look at the racial diversity of the cast. Toss in the X-wings and the soldiers and the ground war and the freaking Death Star and I’m hooked. I want this movie in my eyeballs yesterday. If this trailer is any indication, the standalone films are going to be off to a great start.

Thank You, Kathleen Kennedy

Kathleen Kennedy is my master now.

Before Celebration Anaheim, it was cool to be a fangirl. Last Thursday morning, Kathleen Kennedy made it respectable.

I was already super excited for The Force Awakens panel, which opened Celebration Anaheim in the most explosive manner possible. But I didn’t realize how excited I was about the future of the franchise until I saw Kennedy walk onstage in a Star Wars t-shirt. And not just any shirt, but the new Her Universe lightsaber shirt that debuted at Celebration, which she purchased with her own money because she wanted something to wear for the panel. She rocked it with a white blazer, and you’re stupid if you don’t think millions of women are going to copy that look.

This is a huge deal. Kennedy has been a fixture in Hollywood for decades, and George Lucas entrusted her ahead of lots and lots of qualified individuals to take over the reigns of Star Wars. One of her first actions as head of Lucasfilm was to decide that the franchise would move forward as one story while respecting its vast history. She’s a hugely respected producer and brings a ton of credibility as Lucas’s successor. I’m more confident than ever in her ability to help tell great stories and be a steward for this varied, diverse, wonderful fandom.

The most important thing isn’t that Kennedy herself is a woman, but rather the fact that she accepts this fandom is so diverse. She understands it, and embraces it. She insisted on purchasing a Her Universe shirt with her own money just so she could support the business. During The Force Awakens panel she specifically mentioned the lack of female representation in the franchise’s history, and assured everyone there would be lots more women characters going forward. I can’t overemphasize how important it is to have the panel host, director J.J. Abrams, and Kennedy discuss the negative reaction to the first cast photo and say they’ve heard those arguments and agree with them. And Kennedy isn’t someone merely looking to take advantage of an untapped demographic, or bow down to “the feminists”. She’s part of that demographic, and wants to rectify the lazy, incorrect assumption that women and girls don’t like Star Wars. (If you believe that, you obviously weren’t in attendance at Celebration Anaheim, because women and girls were everywhere.) As far as Kennedy is concerned, everyone likes Star Wars, and she wants to make sure they feel welcomed and represented in fandom and the franchise.

I’ve never felt more comfortable with the future of Star Wars than after that panel. You could feel the excitement in the air just watching from the overflow room, not to mention the unadulterated happiness at seeing BB-8, the new cast, the old cast, the new stormtroopers, and finally, the teaser trailer. The crowd was so enthusiastic they had to show the teaser twice. I laughed, I cried, I got goosebumps, I clutched hands with my neighbors, I kissed my husband. And in the back of my mind I was thinking thank you, Kathleen Kennedy. Thank you for understanding that Star Wars is for everyone. Thank you for making us so happy with the greatest teaser trailer I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Thank you for agreeing to be a part of the Star Wars family. Thank you for making it accepted and respected to be a fangirl. Thank you for being someone I can look up to.

Thank you for helping make Celebration Anaheim the best one yet.

Chewie, we’re home.

The Force Awakens Teaser Trailer: Our Reactions

The Force Awakens Logo

Brian: I’m still bouncing. The whole thing was just a rising linear progression of excitement. Right until we got to the X-wings and my heart about shot out of my chest. Then the Falcon shows up and I go straight to crying. It’s Star Wars. The universe feels dirty and lived in again. This feels like the thing I grew up with, and I love it. After you watch the trailer it gets even better. If the characters they showed were nominally the Big Three of this film, there isn’t a white male in the group. It’s progress, actual tangible progress, and I’m thrilled. Today The Force Awakens ceased being this nebulous thing that existed somewhere in the future and became something that’s actually happening. It’s a thing that’s happening and it looks like they’re doing some extremely exciting things with it. I cannot wait.

Nanci: I will admit, I am disappointed we didn’t get a shot of Luke in the teaser. I really, really, really wanted to see him. However, after thinking about it, I realize they made the right decision not to show the old Big Three. They wanted to show that while The Force Awakens will harken back to the Original Trilogy in terms of aesthetics and theme, it’s still a new story with new characters (and new music!). Instead they showed us the new Big Three (or at least I hope they did), and wow did they just stoke my interest big time. I need to know more about the characters John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and Oscar Isaac are playing. I need to know all about Isaac’s X-wing squadron. (Please can we get a book or TV series about them?) I need to know who that robed figure is; I’m thinking Adam Driver. Not to mention who’s saying the voiceover! (von Sydow or Serkis, probably.) I will end my rambly thoughts with this: while I won’t rest until I see Jedi Master Luke Skywalker wielding a lightsaber, seeing new X-wings made me nearly bounce out of my skin. I am excited. (But not as much as I could have been.)

Bria: Sobbing.  Just gross hyperventilating sobbing.  We have new Star Wars footage for the first time in almost ten years and there’s nothing that could have made me happier except for watching the movie.  The sight of the Falcon and the X-Wings made me squee but what will be sticking with me is that John Boyega was the first person we saw on screen.  Just think about that for a minute.  The first two characters we saw are a black guy and a woman.  DIVERSITY IN THE GFFA.  I’d also like to say that Daisy Ridley couldn’t have possibly looked more like Padmé dressed like Ania Solo in the trailer if they’d tried.  Honestly, there’s nothing that I didn’t love about the trailer.  GIVE US THE NEXT ONE.  AND THEN THE MOVIE.

Sho:  I’m so excited. I really want to know who John Boyega and Daisy Ridley are, who the gravely voice is, who the adorable little rolly droid is. And that scene with the X-Wings was just beautiful. And the lightsaber looked very striking but I’m not sure that cross guard would accomplish anything other than to make the wielder need to be extra careful of their fingers. I am 100% with Bria on how awesome it is to have John Boyega and Daisy Ridley be the first two characters you see. And does this portend how important their characters are in the film? Oh, please let this portend the importance of their characters in the film.