Our 2015 Superlatives – TV Edition

It’s the end of 2015, which means it’s time for Best of Lists! Here at Tosche Station, we thought we’d break up our lists into categories, and post a different topic per day.

In this installment, we discuss our favorite TV shows of 2015.

Nanci – I know I sound like a broken record, but I don’t watch a lot of serialized TV shows. I still haven’t watched The Man in the High Castle, or Jessica Jones, or Daredevil, or…take your pick. (I did finally see some episodes of Supergirl and loved them, but I need to catch up.) Anyway. The one show I did watch religiously was unfortunately one of the shortest–Agent Carter. I love Peggy. I love Jarvis. I even love to hate Howard. Everything about this show spoke to me on a spiritual level. Yes, there’s lots of room for improvement–the diversity on the show is lacking, and will hopefully improve in Season 2. But Peggy is such a well-rounded character, and we need more women like her on television. I’m so glad Agent Carter is coming back for a second season next month. Like Peggy, we all know her value.

Saf – I watch a lot of things, but at the same time feel like I watch nothing. My favourites would be Brooklyn Nine-Nine for its humour and characterization; iZombie because everyone is super cute and it’s just super fun; The 100 because, damn, that story is so good and there are also queer ladies; and How to Get Away With Murder because that is one heck of a twisting drama story with a lot of really interesting characters.

Bria – Oh yeesh.  I watch too many darn shows.  Agents of SHIELD continues to thrill me to no end and Marvel certainly didn’t slack with Daredevil or Jessica Jones.  As far as new shows go, Quantico turned out to be oddly addictive and the fight scenes in Into the Badlands were rad as hell.  The dark horse though was definitely Fresh Off the Boat.  It’s funny without making Chinese people the butt of the joke.  Actually, more than a few times, I would watch an episode and then call my mom and go “Oh hey Mom so Jessica did this in the episode tonight and it was so you!”

Brian – Pretty much echoing what Nanci said. I don’t watch a whole lot of TV either, but what I did watch was great. Peggy Carter was the highlight of the year for me for all the reasons Nanci said. I also got into Supergirl and Man in the High Castle. While I’m not caught up, I love both of those shows tonally and can’t wait to see more of them.

The Clone Wars Soundtrack is Coming, Says Kevin Kiner

tcw_s5logo_smThe Clone Wars composer Kevin Kiner recently told the Everything Geek Podcast that he is hard at work “compiling a CD of Clone Wars Seasons 1-6.” This is great news for fans of the series as well as fans of Star Wars music in general. Kiner also spoke about the differences between music in The Clone Wars and Rebels. (via)

I’m still waiting on the complete soundtracks for Episodes II and III, by the way. *taps foot*

Tosche Station Radio #70: Pilot


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On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, it’s a look Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and other television pilots!

Kicking off the show, the hosts discuss what’s New on the Blog. It was Razor’s Edge release week, so we’ve got our usual Go/No-Go spoiler-free take on whether you should buy the book or not, a review from Bria, and a look at how Martha Wells’ use of Leia differs from Brian Wood’s interpretation in the Star Wars comic. Bria also reviewed the latest issue of Star Wars Legacy.

In Fixer’s Flash, both the hosts got in on the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D viewing party. There was also a day at the Disney parks crammed in there somewhere.

Deak’s Dirt starts with the usual: Episode VII casting rumors. There was a Wookiee casting call, rumors of David Oyelowo being cast in both Episode VII and Rebels, and more rumors about the main Rebels voice cast. And even more we don’t have the time or gumption to mention. Dark Horse announced that a new comic series will continue the story of Firefly, picking up where Serenity left off. As we previously discussed, Razor’s Edge released this week. We’ll be doing a roundtable discussion within the next few weeks (once Nanci gets off her butt and reads the book). Up next is JW Rinzler’s The Making of Return of the Jedi out on October 1. Jennifer Heddle announced on Twitter that there will be a sequel to William Shakespeare’s Star Wars, titled The Empire Striketh Back.

This week on Camie’s Concerns, Wrong Opinions About Movies’ host Alli joins us to talk television pilots. The discussion starts with a look at Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and then dives into other pilots that may have been more or less effective.

Women of Odd Enthusiasms #1: TV 2013 – What you should watch

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Bria and Emily bring you the first episode of Women of Odd Enthusiasms: the monthly podcast where they bring you the best of whatever they happen to be excited about right now, be it crafting, cosplay or computer games.  This month’s episode is all about the upcoming season of TV, as our intrepid hosts discuss what to watch, what to DVR, and what to skip.  Sit back and relax, because WOE is us!

Our monthly book recommendations can be found at Amazon.com.

Emily: The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe

Bria: Alif the Unseen by G. Willow Wilson

You can contact Bria on  Twitter @chaosbria, and Emily @carrkicksdoor.  Women of Odd Enthusiasms is part of the Tosche Station Radio Network and affiliated with Tosche-Station.net and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and Audible.com.

ABC discussing Star Wars television series

IGN’s Eric Goldman recently had the chance to sit down with ABC president Paul Lee during the Television Critics Association’s press tour. One of the questions asked: Is a live-action Star Wars television series a possibility?

At the TCA (Television Critics Association) press tour today, I asked Disney president Paul Lee about the possibility of Star Wars on ABC. While Lee wouldn’t give any specifics, he did say, “I certainly have a glint in my eye. They have a lot on their plate when you look at the features that they’re planning on rolling out for the next few years, but we’ve started conversations with them.”

Nothing’s a guarantee, but it’s certainly not outside of the realm of possibility now that Disney has a stake in the franchise. If they’ve figured out a way to turn the Marvel film universe into a TV series, it’s certainly possible Star Wars could make the medium leap as well. Will this be the McCallum series that’s been in flux since 2005? I doubt it, especially given that he left Lucasfilm earlier this year. Still, more Star Wars is an exciting possibility.

DVR watch: Mark Hamill will guest-star on Criminal Minds

TV Guide at Yahoo! is reporting that Mark Hamill will be guest-starring in the two-part season 8 finale of CBS’ procedural drama Criminal Minds. While there’s no word yet on exactly who Hamill will play, TV Guide speculates that he may be following more in the footsteps of the Joker than Luke Skywalker:

Details about Hamill’s role are being kept under wraps, but could he be the BAU’s season-long unsub/stalker The Replicator? In the two-hour episode, the team’s pursuit of The Replicator will come to a head when one of them becomes a victim. Executive producer Erica Messer also previously told TVGuide.com that the BAU won’t come face-to-face with The Replicator until the season’s final two episodes.

The Criminal Minds two-part season finale airs May 22nd, 9e/8c.

Billy Dee Williams on NCIS: Review

Most of you, I’m sure, are like me right now and hoping and praying that the election results hurry up and get in so we can all get back to normal lives. For me, normal on Tuesdays involves episodes of NCIS, but since we’re missing my favorite procedural for election coverage tonight, I thought reviewing last week’s episode, which guest-starred Star Wars favorite, Billy Dee Williams, might make up for the lack of show.

Billy Dee Williams (left) as Leroy Jethro Moore and Mark Harmon (right) as Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

This episode is particularly special, as it is dedicated to the Montford Point Marines, of which Williams’ character is a fictional member. The Montford Point Marines were the first African-American marines in the United States military and served with distinction during World War II. Surviving members received the Congressional Medal of Honor in June of 2012, nearly seventy years after their service, only after Congress passed legislation in 1996 correcting an injustice that had prevented soldiers of racial minorities from receiving the honor up to that point. For this reason alone, this episode of NCIS is a special one.

Unfortunately, the episode didn’t quite live up to what it could (and should) have been in honor of these brave men. Spoilers after the jump. Continue reading

Joss wins again

If you have somehow been living under an Internet rock and haven’t yet seen the wonder that is Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog (featuring Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion and Felicia Day), and for some reason have a Joss Whedon firewall on your computer–fear not! Dr. Horrible will air for the first time on television Tuesday, October 9th on the CW.

The good news is that Dr. Horrible is only one episode, so the network can’t come in and prematurely cancel it.

Korra Gets 26-Episode Bump

Take that, Game of Thrones.

It turns out that if you have a wildly successful animated show that manages to beat out Game of Thrones in ratings, your hosting network may want more episodes of said wildly successful animated show. According to EW, Nickelodeon has ordered an additional 26 episodes to be added to The Legend of Korra’s run.

It’s official: The Legend continues! Nickelodeon has picked up a second season of the animated adventure series The Legend of Korra, EW has learned. After averaging 3.8 million viewers for Season 1, Book 1, which concluded June 23, the Avatar: The Last Airbender sequel is receiving a second-season order of 26 episodes that presumably will be divided into two parts called Books 3 and 4, bringing the total number of episodes to 52.

Who says an action show centered around a well-crafted female lead can’t be a winning product?

Science to show Firefly Reunion

Can’t make it to the Firefly Reunion panel at SDCC? That’s okay–the Science channel will be airing a special so we can all enjoy on Sunday, November 11th. It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years since we first went into the black, but Browncoats Unite will be the capstone to the Science Channel’s 10-year anniversary celebration of this Joss Whedon classic.
