The Sequel Trilogy and the Expanded Universe

Note: I will not be surprised if Episode VII bulldozes the entire post-Return of the Jedi era Expanded Universe. But that’s not the point of this post.

Lately I’ve been seeing people argue that Episode VII can’t and shouldn’t use elements from the Expanded Universe, else the story idea will be limited. I certainly understand that argument. Also, we already know that Episode VII will follow an original storyline, meaning Episodes VII, VIII, and IX won’t be The Thrawn Trilogy or some other EU book. People point to that statement as evidence that the Sequel Trilogy won’t use anything from the EU, because it would be too difficult to explain who these new characters are.

To that, I say bullshit.

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Who Should Play Carol Danvers in the MCU?

The Avengers 2 may not be coming out for another two and a half years but casting speculation has already begun and with good reason.  Given the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s tendencies to introduce characters in their lead up films, there’s a good chance that we’ll be seeing new team members in one of the four Phase Two films currently in production.  Ms/Captain Marvel, aka Carol Danvers, is currently one of the superheroes rumored to join the team and with that rumor comes plenty of casting speculation.  Earlier, the rumor mill was offering six actresses who are supposedly under consideration and that list has since been narrowed down to two: Emily Blunt and Ruth Wilson.  Emily Blunt was originally the front runner for Black Widow but had to bow out due to other film commitments.  She could certainly be an interesting choice as Carol.

However, what’s the fun in there being casting speculation if we don’t get to join in?  With that, we present a few of our own picks for who could step into the role of Carol Danvers in the MCU. To the jump!

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The Star Wars Avengers

So, hypothetically speaking, Nick Fury shows up in the Galaxy Far, Far Away and makes some allusions to an all new Big Bad looming out of the distance. He says he’s putting together something called the Avengers Initiative and needs five heroes to form a team with a high badassery quotient. We asked you who you think should make the cut. You delivered.

See the suggestions below the cut!

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The Avengers Appeal

And continuing our Avengers post-mortem, The Wall Street Journal dug up a pretty interesting little tidbit today in a piece examining why Marvel’s newest film is pretty much printing money.

3) Multi-Generational Appeal: Characters like Captain America have been around since the 1940s; Thor, The Hulk, and Iron Man have been around since the 1960s. “The Avengers” felt fresh to kids, and was comfort food to adults. Half the attendees were over twenty five years old. 40 percent of the audience was female, so the film didn’t just appeal to boys.

I should say so. As I was sitting in the theater on Thursday night waiting for the movie, I couldn’t help but notice just how evenly split the gender ratio was. Good on you, Marvel. You’ve got yourselves a franchise we all can enjoy.

‘Avengers’ Obliterates Box Office Record

I think we all expected Marvel’s The Avengers to do pretty well on its opening weekend. I don’t think we expected it to do quite this well.

Hulk, smash.

That’s what Captain America tells the Incredible Hulk to do in “The Avengers,” and that’s what the Marvel Comics superhero mash-up did at the box office, smashing the domestic revenue record with a $200.3 million debut.

It’s by far the biggest opening ever, shooting past the previous record of $169.2 million for the debut of last year’s “Harry Potter” finale.

If these numbers hold, it would be the first time in cinema history a film has opened north of $200 million domestically. That’s not even factoring what it made in overseas gross. It’s two-week run beyond the US brings the film to a staggering $641.8 million worldwide.

Kneel before Joss, The Avengers is a winner.