New Clone Wars Story Reels Online Now!

tcw_s5logo_smHere’s your Clone Wars news, folks. The official site has posted a video for The Clone Wars Legacy, discussing continuing the story of the series through Marvel comics, Del Rey novels, and story reels on the Official Site. Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir is discussed, along with Dark Disciple, the new novel featuring Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos and written by Christie Golden.

And while it’s not new episodes per se, story reels for the Crystal Crisis on Utapau arc, featuring Matt Lanter and James Arnold Taylor and discussing Ahsoka’s departure from the Jedi Order (and a KYBER CRYSTAL), are now available! Dark Disciple will be available Summer 2015. And from what the video says, it seems like more stories are to come.

Review: Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #4

The unused Clone Wars storyline comes to an end today ad Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #4 by Jeremy Barlow and Juan Frigeri hits comic book stores today.  But will Darth Maul and Mother Talzin’s plan for revenge against Darth Sidious succeed?

This review contains some spoilers for the issue.

Darth Maul returns to Dathomir with Count Dooku, intent on using the Sith’s very life force to give Mother Talzin a physical body once more.  But Darth Sidious is hardly going to let his former apprentice destroy his carefully laid plans.  That can only mean another facedown between Master and former Apprentice!

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The Clone Wars Soundtrack is Coming, Says Kevin Kiner

tcw_s5logo_smThe Clone Wars composer Kevin Kiner recently told the Everything Geek Podcast that he is hard at work “compiling a CD of Clone Wars Seasons 1-6.” This is great news for fans of the series as well as fans of Star Wars music in general. Kiner also spoke about the differences between music in The Clone Wars and Rebels. (via)

I’m still waiting on the complete soundtracks for Episodes II and III, by the way. *taps foot*

Review: Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #3

Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #3 by Jeremy Barlow and Juan Frigeri hits comic store shelves today and Maul’s vendetta against Darth Sidious continues!

Count Dooku and General Grievous are now captives of Darth Maul after a fierce battle in the last issue. Maul tries to convince Dooku to abandon Darth Sidious and work with him and Mother Talzin instead.  Meanwhile, the Jedi have gotten wind of Maul’s latest victory and spot an opportunity to take out two enemies at the same time…

It’s difficult to discuss this issue without going into the “surprising facts from Maul’s past” that the solicit alluded to so from this point onward, this review will have spoilers despite my usual policy to write spoiler free.

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Review: Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #2

Sidious’s plan to lure Mother Talzin into the open continues right along with Maul’s anger and desire for victory.  Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir #2 by Jeremy Barlow and Juan Frigeri hits comic store shelves today.

There’s no reprieve from battle as Maul’s forces retreat to Ord Mantell.  Mother Talzin sends him a ship full of fierce Nightbrother warriors as reinforcements but will they be enough to withstand the attacks led by Count Dooku and General Grievous?

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Tosche Station Radio #82: Ended, The Clone Wars Have


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Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight what’s New on the Blog. In Memory of Aaron Allston: Nanci’s post, Brian’s post, and a podcast. Honor Among Thieves released: Go/No-go and Bria’s more in-depth review. Bria finished out the Hondo Caravan. Yes, she watched all of Season 5 in one week, and then forged ahead with the Bonus Content. Of note, she thought what happened to Barriss was crap. The Doctor is in! Congratulations to Emily on successfully defending her dissertation! Bria reviewed The Star Wars #6. Nanci discussed why The Sequel Trilogy needs a Skywalker. And finally, TeamWedge has come and gone. It was a valiant effort on the part of Wes Janson, but Wedge fell to that pesky astromech, R2-D2. Let’s throw our support to the original Rogue Leader, Luke Skywalker. He faces tough competition, but horrible pilot, Obi-Wan Kenobi in the first round.

In Fixer’s Flash, the hosts have found some time to geeky pursuits while putting together Ikea furniture. The Clone Wars was watched and consumed, but more on that later. Nanci’s been working on a new novel. Both the hosts are getting set for MegaCon.

Deak’s Dirt starts with news that Kevin Hearne’s Luke novel is set for release on January 13. Check out Leland Chee’s Twitter for information about The Clone Wars chronological order. There’s ACTUAL Episode VII news! Confirmed! It will take place 30 years post-RotJ; will feature some familiar faces and a trio of new leads. Artoo is still the only confirmed character. What is going on with EU characters marching in the Star Wars Weekend motorcade? Nanci’s post, Brian’s post. Finally, Mark Hamill is going to be at Star Wars Weekends!

This week in Bigg’s Bull#*$&, Lupita N’yongo is rumored to be close to signing on for Episode VII. Other actors are in consideration as well (surprise surprise).

It’s The Clone Wars bonus content on Camie’s Concerns this week. The hosts recap the final episodes and bid a final farewell to the show.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and

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Hondo Caravan: Don’t Execute Order 66

The Lost Missions have been found and Season Six has finally arrived!  Gosh, it feels like just last week that I finished watching Season Five.  Up first, we’ve got the Clone Trooper arc.  In the interest of saving those of you who didn’t marathon the episodes this weekend from spoilers, we’ll have the entire post beneath a cut.

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Hondo Caravan: The Wrong Jedi Indeed

The Lost Missions aka Season Six of the Clone Wars is out on Netflix today so it’s only fitting that I wrap up planned version of the Hondo Caravan today.  And yes, I watched the entirety of Season Five in one week.  But let’s be honest: this is not the craziest thing I’ve done for the blog.

Shades of Reason (DC)
On the surface, Maul’s plan to cause pockets of chaos throughout Mandalore and then have Deathwatch come in and arrest the criminals seems like a good one but I have to agree with Bo Katan: you can’t trust Maul.  Actually, in a situation like this, no one should be trusting anyone.  And honestly, doesn’t this plan run the risk of the criminal class squealing about how they’re all working together once they figure out they’ve been deemed the sacrificial lambs?

On a completely different note, Satine’s new outfit is pretty fabulous looking.  It says serious and regal all at the same time.

I wouldn’t say that the Mandalorians were ever necessarily known for being the brightest crayons in the box but they (as a planet) seem to be kind of stupid right now.  Did they really fall for Maul’s plan this easily?  And we wonder why no one saw through Palpatine’s façade…

And now Vizsla is Prime Minister.  That is a title that a) never sat well with me for a Mandalorian and b) sounds even more wrong on the shoulders of a member of Death Watch.  First of all, he’s not even close to being subtle enough to be a leader.  Immediately betraying Maul was probably not in his best interest.

I love the look on Bo Katan’s face as she tosses Maul his lightsaber.  That’s the look of a woman who knows it’s going to be Prizsla’s funeral.  And then the ladies can rule once they kill each other.  Oh look.  It is his funeral or rather his beheading.  Actually, I’m seriously surprised that they showed this on a kids’ show.

Okay, I’m just going to come out and say it.  Forget this Fett tradition, forget Satine, forget the black market Prime Minister, forget Maul.  Bo Katan for Mandalore.  Accept no substitute.

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