Review: The Last Jedi by Jason Fry

Among Star Wars fans, there seems to be a consensus regarding the best novelizations: Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover and Rogue One by Alexander Freed. I have read neither. *ducks from thrown tomatoes* To be honest, novelizations are usually not my thing. I don’t have as much time to read as I’d like, and when I do, I prefer to read brand new stories rather than adaptations of films or TV shows. However, when I learned that Jason Fry was writing The Last Jedi novelization, I almost jumped for joy. I love Fry’s work, both in Star Wars (Servants of the Empire, The Weapon of a Jedi), and in his own universe (The Jupiter Pirates). I’ve been waiting for him to write a Del Rey novel for ages. To have him write about Luke Skywalker made me so excited. After I saw The Last Jedi, my first thought was “I can’t wait to read the novelization,” because I knew Fry would be writing the death of Luke Skywalker, and I knew he’d do something spectacular with it. I was not disappointed.

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Go/No-Go: The Last Jedi Novelization

nasa-mission-control-3Welcome back to Go/No-Go, Tosche Station’s regular feature where we offer our spoiler-free opinion as to whether or not you should spend your hard-earned money on a book, film, or other entertainment. Today on the launch pad: Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the novelization that is! Some of us *coughNancicough* have been very eagerly awaiting this book especially since it’s Star Wars veteran Jason Fry’s first adult novel. What did we think once we actually read it? To mission control for the verdict! Continue reading

Let your darlings die. Kill them if you have to.

This column has spoilers for The Last Jedi, Battlefront II, and all of Star Wars Rebels.

Character deaths are never easy especially if a creator has done their job right and made you care. No one ever wakes up one day and goes “I really want to experience a story in which my favorite character dies today!” However, as a Jedi Master once said, “death is a natural part of life” and sometimes, a character’s story is best served with their death, no matter how much it may hurt those who love them. Ultimately, this is where Star Wars Rebels has failed some of its characters and where both The Last Jedi and Battlefront II have succeeded. Continue reading

Review: Cobalt Squadron

If you came out of The Last Jedi hoping to learn more about Paige or Rose Tico, Cobalt Squadron by Elizabeth Wein, is likely the book you’ll gravitate towards. While on a mission, Paige and Rose’s ship is boarded by a smaller one crewed by two people with a desperate mission. Their planet is ruled by and treated poorly by the First Order and they fear that their people might die if the New Republic doesn’t find a way to aide them. Knowing there’s little the Senate will do, General Organa tasks Cobalt Squadron with seeing while they can do… all while, elsewhere in the galaxy, Starkiller Base is rapidly approaching completion. Continue reading

Holonet Blast #32

Monday* has arrived again. However, dear friends, this needn’t be a day of sorrow alone, for we have returned once more with your weekly dose of fun pop culture news!

This week I have but one link** to share with you all but a what a link it is! This past Tuesday, USA Today published an interview with Rian Johnson a well as an exclusive new behind-the-scenes video for The Last Jedi. The video does include both “Han and Leia’s Theme” and a few words from Carrie Fisher, so brace for emotions before hitting play.

Enjoy the video and have a good week!

*unless you are in a timezone in which Monday has already occurred. In this case, happy Tuesday!


Holonet Blast #29

It was a very New York Comic Con week of news, with the bulk of interesting information coming from the Big Apple.

The Forces of Destiny multimedia line will be getting a comic treatment from IDW. A great list of female writers and artists are attached to work on the series.

2Thrawn2Furious? Thrawn 2: Electric Bluegaloo? Well in any case, Timothy Zahn has submitted the first draft for a sequel to Thrawn. There was also a fantastic Lucasfilm publishing panel containing this announcement, which was recapped here at the official site.

Oh, then of course there’s this.

Get hype, y’all.

Holonet Blast #28

After last time’s flood of news, we get a little bit of a break in this Holonet Blast. Of course, there may be few items, but they are very relevant to our interests.

To start with, in response to a fan’s question, Rian Johnson declared The Last Jedi to be complete.

While we still have a few months to wait before seeing TLJ, we have less than a month before the premier Rebels‘ final season on October 16. The season 4 viewing schedule up until the holiday break is live and why must this show end????


Speaking of premiers, the new series ‘Science and Star Wars’ debuted this past Tuesday. The 10-episode series “will explore just how close we’ve come to realizing that technology, and take a look at the relationship between real-world science and Star Wars technology.” The first episode took on lightsabers and new episodes will air Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m. PT (3:00 p.m. ET). Star Wars is good. Science is good. Combining the two is good.

That’s it for this blast, except, of course, for me yelling about how by the time you read this a new Star Trek series will have aired its first episode holy Waru this is amazing! (Editor’s Note: We’ll allow the reference to that other Star Thing just this once.)

Holonet Blast #25

The news week began with a bummer as word dropped that Michael K. Williams would not be able to make reshoots for the (still untitled) Han Solo film and his character would have to be cut as a result. Wonder if they could have kept him in if the release slipped to December?

The Star Wars Show this week brought some ship goodness in the form of a new First Order walker and fearsome Star Destroyer.

Never to be left out, the Disney theme parks are also getting in on Force Friday II.

Speaking of Force Friday II, get in on some augmented reality fun with the Find the Force AR event.

Excited about the upcoming Phasma novel by Delilah Dawson? So are we. Whet your appetite with an exclusive excerpt featured on the official site.

As a note, we’ll be taking the week off next week in honor of Force Friday II and all of the Porgs you’ll be buying but we’ll be back the Monday after.