Your Favorite Non-Force Sensitive Expanded Universe Characters

One of the most popular responses, Winter Celchu

There’s no getting around it. It’s been another slow news spell and really, things have been dry since the Internet’s Bad Star Wars-Themed Pun Day. Which is why we decided to crowdsource blog content to you. Again.

This week’s Twitter List asked you to tell us your favorite non-Force sensitive Star Wars Expanded Universe characters because we firmly believe you don’t need a connection to the Force to be a badass. To the jump!

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What Attractions Would You Like To See In A Star Wars Theme Park?

Well, Disneyland Paris might be getting a big Star Wars themed expansion. Of course, that’s got us wondering. What kind of rides and attractions would be neat in a Star Wars theme park? We asked on Twitter, and a few people chimed in with some rather fun answers.

If you’ve got an idea, reply to this tweet and we’ll add it to the list. Head to the jump to see what kinds of rides and attractions readers and listeners would love to see at a hypothetical park.

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