Holonet Blast #106

Not a lot of news dropped this week, but that doesn’t matter – it was Vanity Fair week! Just like for The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, Annie Leibovitz photographed the cast of The Rise of Skywalker. The pictures, as always, are gorgeous. There’s also a rather long article by author Lev Grossman, heavy on speculation but also with some new tidbits. The Knights of Ren are officially back; Keri Russell was “revealed” to play the masked scoundrel Zorri Bliss; Richard Grant is Allegiant General Pryde; there’s a year between TLJ and TRoS; J.J. Abrams commented on using archival footage of Carrie Fisher for new scenes with Leia.

Check out the photos and article here. My favorite photo, of the two coolest cats in the galaxy, is below.

Holonet Blast #13

Whew! Last week was a pretty wild ride for three straight days. Not only did we get to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars but we got to freak out a lot over the latest in The Last Jedi news and speculation and there was a lot of both.

In keeping with the finest of Star Wars traditions, Vanity Fair debuted four new covers celebrating The Last Jedi; one with Luke and Rey, one with Kylo, Hux, and Phasma, one with Poe, Finn, and Rose, and one with Leia. They then proceeded to follow it up the next day with a full, in-depth article (and more gorgeous pictures by Annie Leibovitz!) about the film that is well worth your time along with several other shorter pieces. Clearly the most important thing we learned from that article is that Kelly Marie Tran’s character Rose now has a last name (she’s Rose Tico!) and she has a sister who’s also a part of the Resistance named Paige. Other Tosche Station staffers may try to tell you that the most important thing has to do with Luke Skywalker but nope. They are wrong. Everything’s coming up Rose.

Joining in on the 40th Anniversary fun, Del Rey announced more authors for their forthcoming anthology. Expect to see stories from the DeFractions, Greg Rucka, Pierce Brown, Charles Soule, Pablo Hidalgo, Beth Revis, and Ian Doescher in the ever expanding and ever more awesome sounding book this October.

Oh! And finally Finn has a shiny new blaster that, like basically everything else he has, looks like he got it from Poe. It lights up!

J.J. Abrams Interview in Vanity Fair

daisy btsAs part of the June cover story, Vanity Fair sat down with director J.J. Abrams to talk about his work on The Force Awakens. Topics of conversation include how he and the rest of the creative team went about setting the tone and referencing the other films, and what it was like working on Star Wars as a lifelong fan.

On the podcast we’ve speculated a lot about the state of the GFFA 30 years after Endor, and Abrams discusses the appeal of dropping in the audience into the middle of the action with little explanation.

What was incredible about Star Wars, among other things, was that in that first movie Vader could’ve been his father, but he wasn’t, you know. Leia could’ve been his sister, but she wasn’t. You didn’t really know what the Empire was up to exactly. You didn’t really understand what it meant that there was a Senate or the Dark Times or any of the references, and yet you felt the presence of all these things and you understood because it was all being referenced in a way that allowed you to fill in the blanks, and that’s a very powerful thing.

I’m not sure about anyone else, but lately I feel very comforted reading and listening to interviews with Abrams. There’s no doubt he understands the importance of Star Wars, and knows that getting the feel right is just as important as the story itself. Combine that with the amazing new teaser and set pictures, and I absolutely cannot wait until December 18.

Happy May the 4th: Vanity Fair reveals more character photos, names

Right after midnight, Vanity Fair posted their cover article for the June The Force Awakens issue, complete with a video and picture of Kylo Ren sans mask.

More photos were revealed this morning, including one of Poe Dameron looking super dashing next to his X-wing.


Also revealed was that Lupita Nyongo’s CGI character, Maz Kanata, is a pirate. A PIRATE!

Vanity Fair will be revealing one final photo tomorrow via their newsletter.

Update 12:05PM – Gwendoline Christie IS Captain Phasma/the chrometrooper


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Vanity Fair to reveal The Force Awakens exclusive material this week

vanity-fair-star-wars-214x300Mirroring their work leading up to the releases of the Prequel Trilogy films, Vanity Fair is getting set to unleash exclusive content about The Force Awakens this week.

Tomorrow, they’ll be releasing photos from Annie Leibovitz on their website. Those same photos will be hitting newstands shortly after.

If the past is any indication, we may be getting set to see set photos for the first time. Could character reveals even be in store? We’ll have to check back with Vanity Fair this week to find out.