The Star Wars Avengers

So, hypothetically speaking, Nick Fury shows up in the Galaxy Far, Far Away and makes some allusions to an all new Big Bad looming out of the distance. He says he’s putting together something called the Avengers Initiative and needs five heroes to form a team with a high badassery quotient. We asked you who you think should make the cut. You delivered.

See the suggestions below the cut!

  1. murray1134
    @Tosche_Station Not sure about the supers, but I like Wedge and pre-marriage Mara in the Hawkeye and Black Widow roles
  2. Briannakin
    @Tosche_Station Luke Skywalker, Kyle Katarn, Han Solo, Booster, and Mara Jade VS Daala and her army of clones that have no originals.
  3. purfeklilangel
    @Tosche_Station oh man like my favorite female characters so many choices… Luke. Mara. Corran. Jaina Wedge and…. Uh…
  4. Tosche_Station
    Loved Bria’s suggestion for a #StarWars Avengers dream team. Girl!Revan, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, and Mara.
  5. KatanaSundancer
    @Tosche_Station Wedge Antilles, Iella Antilles, Syal Antilles, Myri Antilles… Uhh, I seem to have run out of Antilles’s… Help!

One thought on “The Star Wars Avengers

  1. Good Skies! my fav two things ever!!!!!!
    some of them are really similar, but some aren’t. . .

    Black Widow-Mara Jade all the way. the black jumpsuit, red hair, both amazing with weapons. . .
    Iron Man-Han Solo. Self-centered. . .
    Captian America-Luke Skywalker
    Hawkeye-Ben Skywalker Maybe? OR Maybe Wedge?
    Thor-Mace Windu? This is the hardest one!

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