Third ‘Mercy Kill’ Mini-Excerpt Features The Loran Family

It’s Thursday, which means it’s time for another mini excerpt from Aaron Allston’s upcoming Mercy KillFor those of you who had Face Loran and Dia Passik in the Wraith Squadron Ship Pool, congratulations.

Face’s approach was so silent that neither noticed until he was almost at the table. Both turned to look at him and, seeing the expression on his face, fell silent.

He turned to Dia. “I promise I will never make you so mad that you borrow an X-wing, take it up, and use it to burn me to a cinder.”

“Smart of you.” She gestured at the third chair. “Whose turn is it to cook?”


“We’ll order something.”

He sat and turned to his daughter. “And you, young lady . . . Beware of older military officers who chase you when you’re a teenager. They’ll just dump you when you turn thirty.”

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Dad, I hate it when you bring work home.”

Mercy Kill will hit bookshelves on August 7th.