Tosche Station Radio #7: Wild Mass Guessing

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In this week’s edition of Tosche Station Radio, Brian and Nanci get a bit ranty with the news and discuss what they would love to see in the post Fate of the Jedi Expanded Universe.

Starting off the show in Fixer’s Flash, Nanci is re-reading Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor and gives Brian a hard time for not having read it. She’s also looking for help naming her new car, but apparently Lady Luck is out of the question. How about the Wild Karrde? Brian is still trapped in the Marvel universe, having read through the House of M and diving into the Young Jedi Knights of the Marvel-verse, the Young Avengers. He also has a bit of trouble containing his excitement for Tuesday’s release of Mass Effect 3.

Over in Deak’s Dirt, the hosts take a few minutes to reflect on the career of Star Wars concept artist Ralph McQuarrie, who passed away over the weekend at the age of 82. New Expanded Universe news is covered, including Drew Karpyshyn’s newest The Old Republic novel and a release window for Timothy Zahn’s upcoming Han Solo book. Brian then dives into the latest controversy in the Star Warsfandom, Simon Pegg’s guest role as Dengar. Suffice to say, he’s disappointed with the way fans reacted to the news. Nanci is also feeling fiery over the cancellation of the Nomi Sunrider novel and the underuse of female characters in the Expanded Universe.

In Camie’s Concerns, the hosts follow up last week’s discussion by talking about what kind of books they would like to see in the post-Fate of the Jedi era. Rogues! Fels! New characters! A focus on non-Jedi characters! With the megaseries concept coming to an end, Brian and Nanci think that now is the perfect time to branch out and explore new parts of the universe.

Finally in Wormie’s Works, Nanci highlights an alternate universe Star Wars EU vignette and Brian talks about the Obscure Character Cosplay Tumblr.

Nanci’s choice for fanwork of the week: A Thin Veil by ginchy_amanda

Brian’s choice for fanwork of the week: The Obscure Character Cosplay Tumblr

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of the Solo Sound network. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store or the Zune Marketplace. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci is a news and column writer at EUCantina and co-founder of You can find her on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants

Brian is the co-founder of and one of the site’s staff writers. You can find him on Twitter with the handle @LaneWinree

One thought on “Tosche Station Radio #7: Wild Mass Guessing

  1. When I had brunch with Shelly Shapiro and Timothy Zahn at Dragon*Con, one of the things I suggested was exploring the time frame between Episode I and Episode II. I was leaning more towards a focus on the numerous Jedi in the era whose backgrounds and differences have been largely ignored in The Clone Wars tv series, but you could certainly bring in Padme and Dooku, although I think a lot of what Nanci wants would be found in Dark Rendezvous and some comics. I think a Leia book would be more interesting because we’ve never seen the relationship between Leia and Bail. We might also get a better view of why the Empire is so bad before they started blowing up planets.

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