Tosche Station on Location: Dragon Con 2015 – Star Wars Mythos


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From Dragon Con Day One is the Star Wars Mythos panel featuring Expanded Universe authors Mike Stackpole, Timothy Zahn, Kevin J. Anderson, and Rebecca Moesta. Moderating was Bryan Young.

2 thoughts on “Tosche Station on Location: Dragon Con 2015 – Star Wars Mythos

  1. I would have loved Darksaber as a pure Comedy. (Can you imagine if it had been a crossover with Wraith Squadron? It would have been pure gold. Wraiths having to work alongside Leia’s no-nonsense Noghri to stop a bumbling Hutt who cut corners on his already-budget superweapon!

    Slightly darker Comedy with Bevel Lemelisk’s final words in the novel hast to stay preserved.

    (Zahn already helped with the Pellaeon parts so maybe have him do the Nohgri stuff while spinning the Pellaeon-Dalla Imperial bromance (Papa Pellaeon only has eyes for the prosperity of the Empire and fine mustache grooming products) into its own book.

    RIP Aaron, you missed out on the rewrite of a century!

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