Brian and Nanci get literary on this week’s Tosche Station Radio!
Kicking off the shows, the hosts highlight What’s New on the Blog. Bria reviewed Princess Leia #2. Bria reviewed Darth Vader #3. She also outlined a new approach to recommending the Expanded Universe.
In Fixer’s Flash, Nanci’s been busy with writing a new book. The hosts went to Cloak and Blaster (a fun Central Florida geek themed pub), and Brian bought some new audio gear for Celebration.
Deak’s Dirt starts with news that The X-Files has reopened! Meanwhile in Star Wars, there’s a new blurb for Dark Disciple. Star Wars Celebration schedule has been posted. Rumors that a Star Wars live action show will be shooting at Pinewood in between movies.
What’s in Biggs’ Bull#&$*? Well, In the stupid department, Lucasfilm can’t market Rogue One until Rogue Nation comes out. Musically, John Williams will be recording the Episode VII score in LA
Camie’s Concerns is all about the Expanded Universe and Star Wars literature. We look at what’s already been released, what’s coming up, what we liked, and what we think could use some improvement.
Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.
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