Tosche Station Radio #27: Convention Madness


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On this week’s Tosche Station Radio, the hosts gear up for Celebration VI!

Kicking off the show, Nanci highlights what’s new on the blog. EmilyBrian, and new staff writer Bria contributed Mercy Kill reviews. Cosplay Monday featured Savannah’s awesome Jedi costume. All three were extremely positive. We asked, you answered: What Celebration VI events are you most looking forward to? We went over our own CVI schedule. Finally we wrapped up our Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest with thirteen entries. Thanks to all who participated!

In Fixer’s Flash, both Brian and Nanci read and finished X-Wing: Mercy Kill. They enjoyed it. Tremendously. Nanci began reading Scourge and in her free time, began edits to her original novel. She also found the time to re-watch X-Men: First Class in order to admire Michael Fassbender. Brian read through Captain Marvel #2 and thinks that comic readers absolutely need to pick the new series up. He also began the groundwork for his own original book, but most of his time is spent preparing for convention season with Celebration VI and Dragon*Con right around the corner.

Deak’s Dirt begins with news that Raiders of the Lost Ark is coming to IMAX theaters in September. In other film news, Joss Whedon got himself a new deal from Marvel and it’s a dandy. The final Crucible cover was revealed, and it looks pretty much like the old cover. Her Universe revealed their Mara shirt as part of their Celebration VI exclusives.

In this week’s Camie’s Concerns, the hosts talk Celebration VI and what you should expect. They highlight Club Jade’s convention prep posts, an invaluable resource for those who may be attending a con for the first time. The hosts dive into what you can expect from Orlando and the Orange County Convention Center itself before diving into their schedules for CVI. Brian and Nanci take a few questions from listeners as well.

For Wormie’s Works, Nanci highlights a NASA parody video and Brian links to a musicvideo highlighting fifty years of fandom.

This week’s Trope of the Show takes a look at The Charmer. Hello, Wes Janson!

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of the Solo Sound network. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store or the Zune Marketplace. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.