Tosche Station Radio #88: Han Solo’s From Corellia


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This week in Tosche Station Radio we go back to a favorite standby: canon, continuity, and worldbuilding.

Not a whole lot of new original content on the blog this week, but Bria did review Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows.

In Fixer’s Flash, it’s been a whole lot of TV and movies. A trip to the Kennedy Space Center occurred, and Nanci started reading The Serpent’s Head by Bryan Young.

Deak’s Dirt starts with Episode VII news. Crystal Clarke and Pip Anderson have been cast. They came from the open call and seem to be the roles of “Rachel” and “Thomas.” Bad Robot reports via Twitter that Episode VII will be filmed in IMAX and post-converted to 3D. In Rebels news, Lucasfilm has confirmed that David Oyelowo will be voicing Agent Kallus. also posted a video chronicling the genesis of the real life Chopper the droid. Rebels will be featured at SDCC, including Dave Filoni and the entire voice cast. There will also be collecting panels, a Hasbro panel, A New Dawn panel, among others.  Speaking of A New Dawn, Star Wars Books has posted the dust jacket. Mike Cooper transcribes the blurb. Finally, Amazon will be releasing 2014 Star Wars literature sampler on July 15. Will feature samples from the four upcoming releases, A New Dawn, Tarkin, Heir to the Jedi, and Lords of the SIth

This week in Bigg’s Bull$#!% kicks off with even more Episode VII release date speculation. Dunc from Club Jade has an insightful analysis on why pushing back the release date might be wise. Is Pip Anderson the new Ray Park? Who knows!

Camie’s Concerns dives into continuity and canon. What are the problems that come when you blindly wipe away world building? What should stay, what should go, and what are the consequences to changing the background?

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

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