Tosche Station Radio #9: Getting Jossed

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It’s a news-heavy week on Tosche Station Radio, but Brian and Nanci still have a discussion topic they’re eager to share.

Kicking off the show in Fixer’s Flash, Nanci and Brian discuss the finale of The Clone Wars’ fourth season. Don’t look now, but Nanci might be shipping Obi-Wan and Asajj Ventress. Nanci has finished her re-read of Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor and is jumping into At the Queen’s Command by Michael Stackpole. She’s also pretty enamored with the trailers for Snow White and the Huntsmanand Prometheus. Last week Brian went and saw Disney’s John Carter and proclaims that it is decidedly okay-ish. He’s also still wrapped up in the Marvel comics universe, having jumped into Runaways.

There’s a whole lot of news in Deak’s Dirt this week. First and foremost are new The Hunger Games clips that have aired ahead of the movie’s release on Friday. Brian’s really excited about The Legend of Korra getting an April premiere date. Meanwhile, Nanci’s giddy over Her Universe releasing a brand new Star Wars logo tote bag in May. Both of the hosts get ranty over some Expanded Universe tidbits that have slipped from the Fate of the Jedi book tour and interview blitz over the last week. On the other hand, both the hosts* are excited about a few details about the upcoming Timothy Zahn Han Solo novel. Finally, news dropped that Thursday 3/22 would bring a big Expanded Universe related announcement (announcements?). Let the wild mass guessing begin!

*Particularly Brian. We’ll be sure to sedate him next week.

In Camie’s Concerns, Brian and Nanci have noticed there’s going to be a dearth of new Star Wars related entertainment for a while. Solution? Offer up some non-Star Wars recommendations in television, film, comics, and books. The complete works of Joss Whedon gets a hearty rec from both hosts. Looking for a good book? Try The Icarus Hunt by legendary EU writer Timothy Zahn.

Wormie’s Works features a pair of fanfics this week.

Nanci’s pick for fanwork of the week: Quagmire by kataja

Brian’s pick for fanwork of the week: We Happy Few by Frodogenic

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of the Solo Sound network. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store or the Zune Marketplace. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci is a news and column writer at EUCantina and co-founder of You can find her on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants

Brian is the co-founder of and one of the site’s staff writers. You can find him on Twitter with the handle @LaneWinree