Your Favorite Non-Force Sensitive Expanded Universe Characters

One of the most popular responses, Winter Celchu

There’s no getting around it. It’s been another slow news spell and really, things have been dry since the Internet’s Bad Star Wars-Themed Pun Day. Which is why we decided to crowdsource blog content to you. Again.

This week’s Twitter List asked you to tell us your favorite non-Force sensitive Star Wars Expanded Universe characters because we firmly believe you don’t need a connection to the Force to be a badass. To the jump!


  1. TheRuddleKip
    @Tosche_Station Vilmarh Grahrk, Dannik Jerriko or Doallyn.

    Mon, May 21 2012 13:06:22
  2. avgoins
    @Tosche_Station I really like reading about Boba Fett and Khedryn Faal from Crosscurrent and Riptide is a new favorite of mine. #SWEU

    Mon, May 21 2012 13:34:21
  3. vashthekaizoku
    @Tosche_Station either Wedge Antilles or Jagged or Soontir Fel.

    Mon, May 21 2012 14:45:12
  4. avgoins
    @Tosche_Station Oh yeah, Jagged Fel. I love Jagged Fel.

    Mon, May 21 2012 14:52:27
  5. Tosche_Station
    Bria chimes in with a list: Wedge Antilles, Face Loran, Shada D’ukal, Winter Celchu, Carth, Tycho Celchu, and Nick Rostu.

    Mon, May 21 2012 14:57:01
  6. ReadersTimeline
    @Tosche_Station Gilad Pellaeon, Thrawn, & Boba Fett. All brilliant in their own ways.

    Mon, May 21 2012 15:12:07
  7. purfeklilangel
    @Tosche_Station Wedge. Wes. Hobbie. Jag. Yes all men… Wait Mirax! Talon. Winter. Iella.

    Mon, May 21 2012 15:20:48
  8. purfeklilangel
    @Tosche_Station why? Because Allston and Stackpole made most of them freaking awesome!

    Mon, May 21 2012 15:26:33
  9. Tosche_Station
    Maggie offers Karrde, Booster, Pellaeon, Iella, Winter, Inyri, Wedge, Tycho, Wes, and Hobbie as some favorite non-Jedi #SWEU characters

    Mon, May 21 2012 15:43:36
  10. wakingthedead17
    @Tosche_Station Have to go with Chewbacca. You know he’s a big deal when Han is more depressed about him dying than either of his sons.

    Mon, May 21 2012 15:47:58
  11. Briannakin
    @Tosche_Station Fave non-force char: Winter. She has her own mutant powers of an insane memory, plus she puts up with Tycho and the Rogues.

    Mon, May 21 2012 16:19:09
  12. swbookreport
    @Tosche_Station Tough to pick one, but I will go with…Nom Anor, what a slipery snake who I want to see get his comeuppance. HE’S NOT DEAD!

    Mon, May 21 2012 18:33:01
  13. KatanaSundancer
    @Tosche_Station Wedge Antilles, Wedge Antilles, and I’ll take Wedge Antilles for a thousand!

    Tue, May 22 2012 02:57:08
  14. EoinLynch86
    @Tosche_Station Face Loran – he just edges Talon Karrde #SWEU

    Tue, May 22 2012 05:31:39

So, if this list is any indication, a book featuring Winter, Wedge, Face Loran, and Talon Karrde would sell like gangbusters. Actually. Who do I pitch this to, I’d buy that in a heartbeat.