What Attractions Would You Like To See In A Star Wars Theme Park?

Well, Disneyland Paris might be getting a big Star Wars themed expansion. Of course, that’s got us wondering. What kind of rides and attractions would be neat in a Star Wars theme park? We asked on Twitter, and a few people chimed in with some rather fun answers.

If you’ve got an idea, reply to this tweet and we’ll add it to the list. Head to the jump to see what kinds of rides and attractions readers and listeners would love to see at a hypothetical park.

  1. Share
    @Tosche_Station The Kessel Run Coaster: Journey through the Maw in less than 12 parsecs #StarWars
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    @Tosche_Station Battle of Coruscant Rollercoaster, “Flight of the Falcon” exciting story based ride
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    @Tosche_Station The Wild Karrde Restaurant: For smugglers with more refined tastes #StarWars
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    Maggie suggests: Hoth – The Real Tauntaun Experience. Brian thinks that’s vile yet awesome.
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    Jesse on the Facebook page suggests: The Ewok Village Tree House. Kind of like the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse? I dig it.
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    Jesse also suggests the Dathomiri Witches Haunted House. Now that would be fun!
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    @Tosche_Station Cantina Restaurant, Death Star trench run roller coaster, stormtrooper shooting ride (like Buzz) except most misses wins!
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    @Tosche_Station Han Solo’s Smuggler’s Escape moving theater ride.
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    @Tosche_Station Death Star Trench Run Roller Coaster.
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    @Tosche_Station A sarlac water slide, right into it’s mouth, Womp rat shooting ride, Nest of Gundarks bounce house, And the Hall of Sith.
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    @Tosche_Station I’m really trying to come up with something Imperial… Imprerial Star Destroyers of the Carribean?
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    @Tosche_Station The Coruscant Idol stage show with your host Wynssa Starflare
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    @Tosche_Station A rotating gallery of SW themed or inspired art. Maybe movie or game concept art. Grand Admiral Thrawn’s Gallery.
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    @Tosche_Station A Bespin Cloud Car ride like the Dumbo ride. Wikipedia calls that a telecombat style ride.
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    @Tosche_Station A section for grown-ups with Sabacc, Pazaak and Dejarik tables.
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    @Tosche_Station Stories from the Holocron stage show.
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    @Tosche_Station Also, I’d want them to employ people to mill around the restaurant wearing Cantina patron costumes.
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    @Tosche_Station podrace coaster
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    @Tosche_Station Some sort of water ride based on the caves of Nirauan.

4 thoughts on “What Attractions Would You Like To See In A Star Wars Theme Park?

  1. I’m okay with the Idol stage show as long as it doesn’t involve a ‘I’m Han Solo’ dance off.

    • I would pay ANYTHING to see the trainwreck that would be an “I’m Han Solo” dance off.

      And that’s not because the Double Blaster is my go-to move.

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