Tosche Station Radio #15: Writer’s Toolbox with Mike Stackpole

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This week on Tosche Station Radio, we’re excited to feature our first ever interview on the show.

Kicking off the show, we highlight what’s new on the blog. We asked you to tell us what kind of attractions you would like to see at a Star Wars theme park and you delivered some delightful suggestions. New blogger Maggie posted a spoiler-free review of the Avengers, Marvel’s latest entry into their successful film franchise. We’re not jealous that she was in the UK to see it a week early or anything. Meanwhile, we’re holding a contest. We’re sick of Mara’s awful catsuit, so we’re asking costumers and artists to replace it with something more appropriate.

In Fixer’s Flash, Nanci’s been reading a neat young-adult novel called Across the Universe and is looking forward to completing the series. She’s also been rewatching firefly, something Brian ought to do. She also announced that she’s launched a new blog of her own devoted to her writing projects. Go check it out! Brian’s been keeping himself busy with Marvel’s comics and a rewatch of their films leading up to the Avengers. Unfortunately, he’s been too busy with midterms to do much beyond that. Boo midterms.

Over in Deak’s Dirt, the hosts talk about their jealousy over Disneyland Paris getting a big Star Wars themed expansion. Build one in Orlando! The Avengers releases this Friday, and if you guessed Brian already has tickets to two different showings, you would be correct. Her Universe has teased some new products that Nanci is excited about, expect an official announcement soon. In sad news, Joel Goldsmith, composer for the Stargate franchise, passed away at 54. John Jackson Miller tweeted that a Secret Project presumably from Dark Horse will be announced soon. Could it be the original trilogy era project Dark Horse hinted at during C2E2? Toymaker Sideshow introduced a new line of Star Wars statues they dub ‘Mythos.’ Finally, Star Wars Books released a teaser for the upcoming Timothy Zahn novel ‘Scoundrels.’

This week’s Camie’s Concerns is one the hosts are thrilled to present. Tosche Station Radio interviews their first ever guest, author Michael A. Stackpole. Mike and the hosts talk about his contributions to the Star Wars Universe, writing advice such as his 21 Days to a Novel program, and his projects outside of the Galaxy Far, Far away.  We’re incredibly grateful Mike took the time to come onto the show and encourage you to check out his other works at his website.

Wormie’s Works features a couple unique entries, a fanfiction marathon and a fandom-based music production.

Nanci’s pick for fanwork of the week: Skyway Flyer by Jason Munday and the Oceanic Six.

Brian’s pick for fanwork of the week: The Rogue and Wraith Squadron Fic-A-Thon

The hosts close out the show with the Trope of the Week: Fate Worse Than Death

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of the Solo Sound network. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store or the Zune Marketplace. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci is a news and column writer at EUCantina and co-founder of You can find her on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants

Brian is the co-founder of and one of the site’s staff writers. You can find him on Twitter with the handle @LaneWinree

5 thoughts on “Tosche Station Radio #15: Writer’s Toolbox with Mike Stackpole

  1. I love Mike’s interaction and history of his Star Wars career.

    I am curious, though – are you only accepting one question per submitter? Cause if so, I need to revise my lists for future guests…

    • We were going to originally have more questions, but we ran up against the clock. Feel free to submit more than one question in the future, but perhaps prioritize what questions you’d -really- like us to ask.

  2. Pingback: Tosche Station Radio Interview with Michael A. Stackpole « Roqoo Depot

  3. Pingback: The X-Wing Retrospective: A Tosche Station Summer Series | Tosche Station

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