Tosche Station’s 12 Worst Things in the Expanded Universe

Waru loves you.

Yesterday, io9 posted a list that covered the 12 Worst Things about the Expanded Universe. We really couldn’t disagree with any of it, but we did notice that it seemed to only run through the 90s. In the spirit of being all-inclusive, we decided to take a stab at the worst the Expanded Universe has to offer through the present day.

Emily rounded up myself, Bria, and Nanci to shamelessly rip off io9’s post and put together our own list of terrible things the Expanded Universe has featured over the years. While we do love the EU, we do recognize that it’s definitely not sacred and there’s a lot of silly stuff that’s made it to print and other tie-in media over the years.

To the jump for 12 things about the Expanded Universe we’ve been trying for years to repress!

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Crucible Gets New Blurb

Random House posted a new blurb for Troy Denning’s Crucible, the next and perhaps last grand adventure for Luke, Han, and Leia in the Post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe.

Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, and Luke Skywalker return in an all-new Star Wars adventure, which will challenge them in ways they never expected—and forever alter their understanding of life and the Force.

When Han and Leia Solo arrive at Lando Calrissian’s Outer Rim mining operation to help him thwart a hostile takeover, their aim is just to even up the odds and lay down the law. Then monstrous aliens arrive with a message, and mere threats escalate into violent sabotage with mass fatalities. When the dust settles, what began as corporate warfare becomes a battle with much higher stakes—and far deadlier consequences.

Now Han, Leia, and Luke team up once again in a quest to defeat a dangerous adversary bent on galaxy-wide domination. Only this time, the Empire is not the enemy. It is a  pair of ruthless geniuses with a lethal ally and a lifelong vendetta against Han Solo. They will stop at nothing to control the lucrative Outer Rim mining trade—and ultimately the entire galactic economy. And when the murderous duo gets the drop on Han, he finds himself outgunned in the fight of his life. To save him, and the galaxy, Luke and Leia must brave a gauntlet of treachery, terrorism, and the untold power of an enigmatic artifact capable of bending space, time, and even the Force itself into an apocalyptic nightmare.

Crucible is due out on bookshelves on July 9.

Via Club Jade

Rumors: Episode VII focusing on Solo spawn, Disney wants Three Zahn Books

grain of salt

A grain of sodium chloride as seen through a microscope

And it’s time for the rumor mill to sputter to life one more time.

An insider with Nerdvana claims that the Sequel Trilogy will be focusing on a Solo child and grandchild, adding to other rumors and reports that the new films would place a premium on a younger generation of heroes rather than putting Han, Luke, and Leia back in the saddle.

The insider supposedly also had information covering the extent of J.J. Abrams involvement with Lucasfilm and Disney:

JJ’s contract has a clause for all three movies and an additional three of Lucas/Disney choosing if everyone melds well on the first one. This is typical of these types of contracts; gives everyone an out if needed.

So perhaps he’ll be around for more than just Episode VII. Stay tuned? On a final note, there was also a note about Timothy Zahn. If this insider is to be believed, Disney and Lucasfilm are keen on getting Zahn to pen three additional novels. Would these be film novelizations? I wouldn’t think so, but you never know.

Via Club Jade

Her Universe Secures Expanded Universe Merchandising Rights from Lucasfilm

Under way right now is a chat on the Star Wars Books Facebook page with Her Universe founder and  The Clone Wars voice actress Ashley Eckstein. You should go there and read answers to things and such! Early on there was an announcement that’s sure to catch the eyes of Her Universe and Expanded Universe fans. When asked about potential EU gear in the future, Ashely responded:

YES! We are designing Several NEW Star Wars designs this year. Everything will be debuting in May. We are making shirts, dresses, jewelry…We have Rogue Squadron designs AND I am SO excited to announce that Lucasfilm has given us the rights to design shirts for the women in the EU, so expect more Mara Jade and Jaina Solo designs!

Rogue Squadron material launching in May, licencing rights to the Expanded Universe. If you’re a Her Universe fan, you’re appear to be in for some real treats.

Tosche Station Radio #47: Too Corellian To Function


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On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, the hosts are joined by Bria from the blog to discuss the lessons the new Star Wars films can learn from the Expanded Universe.

In a bit of housekeeping, we’ve got another sponsor for the blog and podcast! Listeners of this podcast can get a free audio book from when they sign up for a free trial subscription.

Kicking off the show, Nanci highlights what’s New on the Blog. The Waru Express stopped at The Thrawn Trilogy and Bria got to enjoy some of the EU’s better novels. Cosplay Monday featured an Adorable Airbender family. Finally, Bria reviewed The Last Jedi by Michael Reaves and Maya Kaathryn Bonhoff. In other words, Bria’s been manning the blog over the last week.

In Fixer’s Flash, Nanci’s been busy writing and visiting the new Fantasyland at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. Both the hosts caught up on The Clone Wars, so stay tuned for our Season 5 retrospective! Brian’s been gearing up for the start of a couple sport seasons, so he neglected to pay attention to his nerdier pursuits. Bria, on the other hand, revisited an old favorite novel and marathoned Season 2 of Game of Thrones.

Deak’s Dirt this week starts with an Oscars recap. Did any genre fiction fare well? Eh. Kinda. Star Trek Into Darkness is bringing back some old enemies. The Leia novel and Kenobi get new release dates – October 29 and August 27, respectively. The Last Jedi is released, should you go pick up a copy? In the Episode VII rumor department: Simon Pegg and Alfonso Cuarón may be involved? Are the writings looking to draw from the Original Trilogy’s tone and themes?

This week in Fixer’s Flash, the hosts and Bria take a look at the Expanded Universe and wonder what kind of lessons the new Star Wars films can take away from the novels. Are there things worth saving? Ignoring? Fixing? While some might want the EU to be ignored completely or preserved entirely, there are elements worth saving and chucking.

Wrapping up the show, the hosts field questions in the Ask Us Anything segment.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and

Her Universe - Flaunt Your World - Listen to a bestseller for $7.49 at!

Star Wars Books Hosting Facebook Chat with Ashley Eckstein

Clear your calendars for 3PM EST on Wednesday. Star Wars Books will be having The Clone Wars voice actress Ashley Eckstein on for a Facebook chat.


Tosche Station Radio #46: Port of Doom


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On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, the hosts are joined by Matthew of Majestic Giraffe and the Wrong Opinions About Movies podcast to discuss Star Wars, movies, and creative endeavors!

In a bit of housekeeping, we’re proud to announce that we’re featuring Her Universe as an advertiser on both the blog and podcast! Her Universe: Flaunt your world.

Kicking the show off, Nanci highlights Bria’s trip to Katsucon on the blog.

In Fixer’s Flash, the hosts highlight what geeky pursuits they’ve been up to. Nanci’s been busy writing her new book concept and is already a few chapters in. Meanwhile, both Brian and Nanci waded into Once Upon a Time again and were very thankful the latest episode was significantly better than the one that preceded it.

In Deak’s Dirt, the word is out that John Williams wants to score the Sequels! Over on the television side of things, Joss Whedon talks SHIELD. Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy is no longer producing JP4 to focusing on Star Wars instead. In rumor roundups, Latino Review says that Harrison Ford is in for Episode VII, But Mark Hamill says nothing is confirmed and nothing has been signed.

This week on Camie’s Concerns, the hosts are joined by Matthew Bowers, founder of Majestic Giraffe and one of the hosts of the Wrong Opinion About Movies podcast to discuss a grab bag of geek culture including Star Wars, movies, and literature.

Wrapping up the show, the hosts field questions in our regular Ask Us Anything segment.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook  and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

This podcast has been brought to you in part by Her Universe and

Her Universe - Flaunt Your World -                    Listen to a bestseller for $7.49 at!

Tosche Station Radio #45: Star Destroyer Bubbles


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On this episode of Tosche Station Radio, the hosts are joined by Dunc from Club Jade to discuss Marvel’s new chick-lit initiative (this initiative featuring significantly less Nick Fury) and genre fiction in the Star Wars Expanded Universe!

Before diving into anything else, the hosts discuss a big change to the podcast. Tosche Station Radio is leaving the Solo Sound Network to join Majestic Giraffe productions. Don’t worry, very little will be changing! We’d like to thank Austin and the Solo Sound crew for being such a gracious home for the first year of the podcast and putting us in a position to succeed.

To kick off the festivities, Nanci highlights what’s new on the blog. Bria encountered Wraith Squadron and the Han and Leia love boat. Guess which one produced more feels, as the kids say. Brian reviewed Star Wars #2 by Brian Woods. Did he think it was an improvement?

In Fixer’s Flash, Nanci finished up John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War and started working on a pair of her own short stories. She’s also been busy outlining her next novel! Brian, on the other hand, read through a pair of comics, Star Wars #2 by Brian Woods and Avengers Assemble #12 by Kelly Sue DeConnick. He enjoyed one significantly more than the other.

This week’s Deak’s Dirt starts with news that Hasbro’s Mara Jade action figure is shifting to the black series. She’s also still wearing the catsuit. Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg discussed Episode VII and the standalone films. In literature, Harry Potter will be getting new paperback covers for the 15th anniversary. Finally, gathered up a collection of Expanded Universe authors talk about the Sequel Trilogy.

For Camie’s Concerns this week, the hosts are joined by Dunc from Club Jade to discuss Marvel’s new and somewhat odd chick-lit initiative. Wise marketing, or condescending towards their female demographic? Riffing off that, the roundtable discusses genre fiction in the Expanded Universe. Would a romance book work in this universe? What about other genres?

Wrapping up the show, the hosts field questions in our Ask Us Anything segment.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of Majestic Giraffe Productions. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree.

Today on Tosche Station Radio: Marvel’s Weird Chick Lit, Expanded Universe Genre Fiction

We’re going to be recording a brand-new episode of Tosche Station Radio today at 5PM Pacific time! Dunc from Club Jade will be joining us this week to discuss Marvel’s bizarre new chick lit initiative as well as genre fiction in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. You can listen live and join the chat at our Livestream channel. Do be sure to tune in, because Dunc is missing a new episode of Community and will have my head if we’re talking into the void while it’s on.

Since there is a fair chance we’ve picked up some new listeners with yesterday’s move to Majestic Giraffe Productions, you may be interested in knowing that we run a segment called Ask Us Anything where you can fire off questions at Nanci and myself and we’ll answer them. Really, anything.

So if you have questions about Marvel’s chick-lit thing, Expanded Universe genre fiction, or any geeky or fandom related topic, send them our way in the comments of this post, on our Facebook page, or hit us on Twitter.

Expanded Universe Authors talk the Sequel Trilogy recently rounded up a collection of current Expanded Universe authors to ask them what they hope to see in the Sequel Trilogy, what EU characters they’d look to see make an appearance, and what the ultimate fate of the Big Three should be. Reading through, I was struck by Aaron Allston’s answers in particular:

What I Hope to See from Episodes VII-IX: Could I see “Screenplay by Aaron Allston”? No?

Well, barring that, I’d like to see the story move away from the Skywalkers, Solos, even the Jedi a bit, reminding us that there are other people doing important things in the galaxy. I’d like to see a greater proportion of female characters. I want to see more spectacle — Tatooine junkyards and bongo interiors aren’t exactly challenges for ILM’s skills. And I hope to see a return to the lightheartedness and humor of A New Hope, putting the fatalism of the prequels behind us.

What secondary or Expanded Universe character I’d Like to See Get the Spotlight: This kind of depends on exactly when in the timeline Episodes VII through IX take place. Timothy Zahn’s Mara Jade would always be a good choice. The next-generation Solos and Skywalkers, such as Jaina Solo and Ben Skywalker, would be welcome. If any sort of espionage is in the offing, some sort of nod to my ownWraith Squadron characters would be a thrill for me.

But what I really hope to see most is any sort of appearance by recognizable EU characters, which would be an acknowledgement that the EU is a significant part of what constitutes Star Wars.

How I Want to See Luke, Han, or Leia Die: You know, I actually don’t want to see them die in the movies, and it’s not just because of affection for the characters…

…Me, I’m all for having Luke, Leia, and Han be in a scene showing them knocking back shots of Corellian brandy while playing cards. Then the screen can go through a 1940s-style wipe and the camera can zoom in on their descendants saving the galaxy for a new generation.

Allston pretty much summed up exactly what I’d love to see in these new films as well as what I think should happen with Luke, Han, and Leia. So many people seem eager to see those characters killed off in epic fashion, but I’m a fan of the quiet retirement approach. They’ve earned their victory lap and fade to black.

His overall sentiments on the Expanded Universe I think are also important to consider. Many forget, but for a long time, that was it for Star Wars. The only new story material being produced. It attracted a passionate following and helped to rejuvenate the fandom from the doldrums of the 80s and early 90s and keep it alive during the long stretches when it seemed like Lucasfilm was done producing material. Including any EU characters is a gesture to fans, authors, and editors who helped to keep things alive.

For more from Allston as well as Christie Golden, Michael Reaves, Troy Denning, James Luceno, John Jackson Miller, Drew Karpyshyn, and Paul S. Kemp, head to the interview.