Replace the Catsuit: The Entries


After nearly four months we received over a dozen entries in our Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest. We’ll announce a winner later today, but first we want to give you all the chance to look over what was submitted and give us some feedback. Whose costumes or art did you like? Any trends you noticed among the entries?

Now, because we got so many entries, we’re going to add another prize tier! Here’s what is potentially up for grabs now:

  1. First prize will receive a copy of the 2oth Anniversary Edition of Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn.
  2. Second prize will receive paperback copies of Allegiance and Choices of One by Timothy Zahn.
  3. Third prize will receive a paperback copy of Allegiance.

Below are all of the entries for the contest. We’d love your feedback as we go through and select the prize winners today, so take a look at the submissions below. Leave a comment in the post!

8 thoughts on “Replace the Catsuit: The Entries

  1. My favorites were the art entries by Blizz, Kataja and Gorram Girl, and the costume by Sarah. For me, those four had great details, seemed very functional (very Mara functional!), and had a real Star Wars look overall.

  2. Art entries by Gorram Girl and Blizz. The former is a perfect look for our Master Trader (and even Jedi for those of us who imagine an Order who chooses to wear “normal” clothing!). The latter is more fitting for an Emperor’s Hand who needed to get the job done (and maybe do a bit of Smuggling on the side 😉 ).

  3. My votes are for Art Entry from Gorram Girl, Art Entry from Blizz, Costume Entry From Ellen, & Costume Entry from Sarah. It is hard for me to narrow it down from there.

  4. I think my favorites must be kataja, louis, and Sarah’s entries, but it’s hard to choose a favorite. I also like the other entries. 🙂

    Mainly I like practicallity; long sleeves (loose enough for her holdout blaster, but not so loose that they can get entangled in things), pockets, flat boots (because no one runs and fights in high heels), and non loose hair (because you don’t run around with loose hair that can get in your face and obstruct your vision).

  5. Pingback: Tosche Station Radio – Episode 27

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