Replace the Catsuit: The Entries


After nearly four months we received over a dozen entries in our Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest. We’ll announce a winner later today, but first we want to give you all the chance to look over what was submitted and give us some feedback. Whose costumes or art did you like? Any trends you noticed among the entries?

Now, because we got so many entries, we’re going to add another prize tier! Here’s what is potentially up for grabs now:

  1. First prize will receive a copy of the 2oth Anniversary Edition of Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn.
  2. Second prize will receive paperback copies of Allegiance and Choices of One by Timothy Zahn.
  3. Third prize will receive a paperback copy of Allegiance.

Below are all of the entries for the contest. We’d love your feedback as we go through and select the prize winners today, so take a look at the submissions below. Leave a comment in the post!

Her Universe Debuts Celebration Exclusives

We got a teaser a few weeks ago, but today Her Universe finally revealed its Mara Jade shirt, designed by artist Cat Staggs. The bad news? Only 300 shirts will be available at Star Wars Celebration, and only 50 will be available online. The other bad news? Of course, Mara is wearing her trademark catsuit.

Still, it’s a gorgeous shirt (love the v-neck design!) and I’ll definitely be trying to get my hands on it. Hopefully it will sell out and Her Universe will produce even more Expanded Universe items; perhaps even Mara in Jedi attire, or Mara and Luke?

Also exclusive to Celebration include an R2-D2 charm. In wider availablity, Her Universe will debut two awesome tanks featuring the Rebel Alliance insignia and Imperial emblem. I will definitely be purchasing the Rebel option.

Read all about Her Universe at Celebration VI here.

Edit: Ashley tweeted me some information about why it’s an exclusive design:

We do not have the rights for the SWEU and we had to get special rights just to do this shirt. We are only allowed to make this an exclusive for Celebration. We are also releasing 50 online. I will work on getting the rights for the SWEU but that’s why this has to be exclusive.

Thanks for the update, Ashley! I hope the Powers That Be will see how much interest there is for Expanded Universe shirts and allow Her Universe to produce even more.

Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Fiona

With five days left to submit entries for our Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest, reader Fiona has sent in another great art piece for consideration. Fiona says that she wanted to see some color on Mara. Something other than shiny, black leather. We couldn’t agree more, and we love what you’ve sent in.

What I’m really enjoying about all of the entries so far is that they’re emphasizing functionality over the sexy factor. Mara Jade was the Emperor’s Hand, a trained espionage specialist. She would be wearing outfits in public that wouldn’t draw attention to herself. On the battlefield and while at work she would be wearing things that better allow her to do her job. You know. Things with sleeves to hide holdout blasters. Pockets for battery packs and comlinks. Clothing that promotes mobility.

The leather catsuit? Yeah. It provides exactly zero of these things.

Thanks for submitting Fiona! Remember everyone, you’ve got until August 15th to submit your entry to win one of our prizes.

While we’re on the topic of Mara’s wardrobe, be sure to head over to Club Jade to check out some fantastic Mara art that will be featured in the upcoming Reader’s Companion. No catsuit!

Contest: Replace The Catsuit

Somebody give that poor woman some sleeves

We love Mara Jade. She’s smart, she’s snarky, she’s a BAMF to the highest degree.

There’s one thing about Mara we don’t like, however. Nanci and I have talked about this during the podcast before: we hate the wardrobe she’s constantly portrayed in. Specifically, the catsuit. By the Gods of Kobol, we hate the catsuit. It’s objectifying, it’s demeaning. Mara’s a character whose innate personality makes her engaging. She doesn’t need to wear a skintight outfit that’s woefully ill-suited to combat to get fans to like her.

Unfortunately, no one listens to us (which is probably a good thing). Mara will continue to wear that awful outfit in every piece of art and every action figure until the end of time. Unless, perhaps, you speak up.

That’s why Tosche Station is holding a contest to raise awareness for poor Mara Jade’s lousy wardrobe. All you have to do is replace the catsuit!

Here’s what we’re looking for: 

We want to see you, our reading and listening audience, portray Mara in something more appropriate. Bring on the Jedi robes! Bring on the flightsuits! Bring on the flight jackets and trousers! Bring on some kind of outfit that might actually make sense for Mara Jade to wear!

We’re looking to take everything from fanart to costumes and cosplay. If it shows Mara wearing something that isn’t the catsuit, send it our way.

Have fun with this, and remember, we want to see something that doesn’t objectify her like the catsuit does.

The Prize

Like we said, this is a contest! Which means there’s going to be a winner, a runner up, and some fabulous prizes given to the best costume and art submitted.

  • First Prize: A copy of Allegiance and Choices of One by Timothy Zahn
  • Runner-up: A paperback copy of Allegiance

Submit a picture of your costume or your fanart by August 15th via Twitter, Facebook, or the e-mail address on the sidebar. For the costumers in the crowd, consider this a tuneup for convention season this summer. Everyone who does submit something will have their work featured in their own post on the blog. 

Hop to it, Mara fans!


Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry From Kataja

We’re ticking down the days until the end of our Replace Mara’s Catsuit contest! Today we’ve got a new art entry from reader Kataja:

My contribution is based on the “no-nonsense tunic/jumpsuit outfits that she usually wore aboard ship” that’s mentioned in The Last Command. I actually found it hard to picture Mara in a tunic – jackets are easier to make look ‘cool’ – but I’ve tried my best. The outfit is matched by a practical hairdo.

Thanks for submitting, Kataja! Remember, you’ve got until the 15th to enter the contest.

Replace the Catsuit: Art Entries from Victoria

We’ve got another pair of entries for the Replace the Catsuit contest! These come from Victoria and I’ll let her describe them for you.

The first picture (“Rogue Skywalkers”) is an illustration of Mara and Luke in Rogue pilot fatigues heading to/from their star fighters. I knew Mara was a talented pilot and even though she was probably not of Luke’s caliber, I’m sure the two of them had plenty of flights with one chasing the other, trying to prove which one of them was the best. And even though I don’t think she was ever officially a part of the Rogues, it’s hard for me to think that the members of the Squadron would not consider her at least an honorary member. 

The second picture (“Formal Jedi Gown”) came to mind when I thought of Mara being the type of woman who didn’t mind being a girl and wearing pretty gowns every once in a while. This dress would be something she would wear if she needed to attend a formal event as a Jedi – not necessarily in her robes or flight suit – and she wanted to impress others. Also, it could be something she would have worn to her Jedi wedding in the comic “Union” (I know, she’s wearing something different in the illustration, but this is my vision haha) when she and Luke had their private wedding. 

Thanks for submitting these, Victoria! I dig both of them, but I really love the flightsuit.

We’ll have another entry up tomorrow morning. Remember, you’ve got until August 15th to submit costumes and art for the contest.