Tosche Station Radio #24: Flight of Romance


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On this week’s Tosche Station Radio, the hosts delve into the touchy subject of romance in fiction!

Kicking off the show, the hosts highlight what’s new on the blog. Beth sent in a Replace Mara’s Catsuit art entry. Emily brought us back to the Coruscant Craft Fair with a look at some Marvel-inspired shoes. Cosplay Monday featured Nate and Heather from Zhobot. Brian looked into a game that John Rhys-Davies and Mark Hamill appeared in.

In Fixer’s Flash, Nanci had herself a good time at a Wizard Rock show. She’s also been re-reading The Icarus Hunt by Timothy Zahn. She also appeared on the Wrong Opinions About Movies podcast to talk about the hilariously awful Batman and Robin. Look for a link on the blog! Finally, she’s almost finished with her original novel! Meanwhile, Brian’s in comic mode having finished the Dark Reign arc and buying Captain Marvel #1.

Deak’s Dirt covers a host of information from San Diego Comic Con this week, specifically news from Dark Horse, Del Rey, and the Clone Wars creative staff. Mark Hamill was announced for Celebration VI, and there’s a bunch of new casting calls and rumors for Catching Fire. The hosts also take some time to talk Troy Denning’s new novel, Crucible, and go off on a tangent over fans that want Luke, Leia, and Han to die.

This week’s Camie’s Concerns revisits an article featured on the blog a few weeks ago, Rethinking Romance. We brought in Maggie to talk about why she wrote the piece and why she thinks we need to reevaluate our knee-jerk dismissiveness of romance in fiction and literature. The hosts and Maggie also touch on gender issues in fiction.

In Wormie’s Works, Nanci links to the Star Wars Love Poster by Mark Elwood and Brian rocks out to Book Eight – Another Harry Potter Song by nerdfighter Hank Green.

Tosche Station Radio is the official podcast of and a part of the Solo Sound network. If you like what you hear, please leave a review on the iTunes Music Store or the Zune Marketplace. We can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

Nanci and Brian are the co-founders and writers of You can find Nanci on Twitter with the handle @Nancipants and you can find Brian with @LaneWinree


One thought on “Tosche Station Radio #24: Flight of Romance

  1. Pingback: Even Timothy Zahn Hates the Catsuit | Tosche Station

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