Contest: Replace The Catsuit

Somebody give that poor woman some sleeves

We love Mara Jade. She’s smart, she’s snarky, she’s a BAMF to the highest degree.

There’s one thing about Mara we don’t like, however. Nanci and I have talked about this during the podcast before: we hate the wardrobe she’s constantly portrayed in. Specifically, the catsuit. By the Gods of Kobol, we hate the catsuit. It’s objectifying, it’s demeaning. Mara’s a character whose innate personality makes her engaging. She doesn’t need to wear a skintight outfit that’s woefully ill-suited to combat to get fans to like her.

Unfortunately, no one listens to us (which is probably a good thing). Mara will continue to wear that awful outfit in every piece of art and every action figure until the end of time. Unless, perhaps, you speak up.

That’s why Tosche Station is holding a contest to raise awareness for poor Mara Jade’s lousy wardrobe. All you have to do is replace the catsuit!

Here’s what we’re looking for: 

We want to see you, our reading and listening audience, portray Mara in something more appropriate. Bring on the Jedi robes! Bring on the flightsuits! Bring on the flight jackets and trousers! Bring on some kind of outfit that might actually make sense for Mara Jade to wear!

We’re looking to take everything from fanart to costumes and cosplay. If it shows Mara wearing something that isn’t the catsuit, send it our way.

Have fun with this, and remember, we want to see something that doesn’t objectify her like the catsuit does.

The Prize

Like we said, this is a contest! Which means there’s going to be a winner, a runner up, and some fabulous prizes given to the best costume and art submitted.

  • First Prize: A copy of Allegiance and Choices of One by Timothy Zahn
  • Runner-up: A paperback copy of Allegiance

Submit a picture of your costume or your fanart by August 15th via Twitter, Facebook, or the e-mail address on the sidebar. For the costumers in the crowd, consider this a tuneup for convention season this summer. Everyone who does submit something will have their work featured in their own post on the blog. 

Hop to it, Mara fans!


32 thoughts on “Contest: Replace The Catsuit

  1. Pingback: Tosche Station wants you, fan artists and costumers, to help them replace Mara Jade’s catsuit

  2. I’m sorry, I cannot picture pre-40s Mara in Jedi robes. Near the end of her life, maybe, but the woman in Zahn’s books and the Jedi Academy Trilogy would never have worn them by choice.

    • Doesn’t have to be the Jedi robes. Show Mara off wearing a jacket or a flight suit, some kind of combat armor. We’re just looking for ANYTHING but the catsuit.

  3. I understand that a catsuit is demeaning to females (i should know, i am one), but practically, the less/lighter the material and the closer to your body the piece of clothing is, the more flexible and the easier it is to move around in. Which comes in handy like in combat situations, which Mara frequently engages in. So it would make more sense for a jedi to be in a costume/battle suit closer to what Mara is wearing than what typical Jedi garb is: tunics and sleeved [underarmour] and pants and cloaks and stuff. That would slow them down much more than a catsuit (which i think is normally refered to as her battle suit/battle armour in the books) would. If you add some lightweight shoulder and torso padding, maybe some shin-guards, and recolor the suit, it would look alot better though.

  4. I will be entering this. My main beefs with the catsuit (other than the fact that Mara apparently wears the same outfit for 10 years) are that it lacks pockets – pockets are very practical, and includes a cape – capes are for flashy entrances to Death Stars not covert saboteurs, ninjas don’t wear capes.

    I could see Mara wearing it when it would serve her purpose to make a flashy, sexy capey impression but most of the time I imagine her snarling about a lack of pockets and snagging her cape in doorways and on trees.

  5. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Gorram Girl | Tosche Station

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  8. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Art Entries from Victoria | Tosche Station

  9. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Costume Entry from Blizz | Tosche Station

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  11. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Blizz | Tosche Station

  12. Pingback: Tosche Station Radio – Episode 21

  13. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Beth | Tosche Station

  14. Pingback: Utini Shout Outs « Roqoo Depot

  15. Jedi Lex is right… say what you may about her being in a skintight suit like that but it’s even stated in one of the books that the reason she prefers it is because of its advantages during combat. Less restrictive… nothing to get snagged… lighter… etc etc

    • There’s a difference between the catsuit (pictured above) and a combat suit which she uses in books like Allegiance and Choices of One.

      One is a practical outfit that provides stealth and utility. The other belongs in a bad porno.

  16. Pingback: Even Timothy Zahn Hates the Catsuit | Tosche Station

  17. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Costume Entry from Bria | Tosche Station

  18. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Costume Entry From Ellen | Tosche Station

  19. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry From Kataja | Tosche Station

  20. Pingback: Cosplay Monday: Endor Leia | Tosche Station

  21. Pingback: Tosche Station Radio #26: Heavy Meta | Tosche Station

  22. Pingback: Replace Mara’s Catsuit: Art Entry from Louis | Tosche Station

  23. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Fiona | Tosche Station

  24. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Art Entry from Serena | Tosche Station

  25. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: Costume Entry from Sarah | Tosche Station

  26. Pingback: Replace the Catsuit: The Winners | Tosche Station

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